Galaxy Zoo Talk

A Blue Elliptical Galaxy?

  • Sabinidus by Sabinidus

    This guy here is the bluest elliptical looking galaxy I've ever seen. My guesses are that it is either blueshifted (unlikely), false color (possible), or very young- young enough for it to still have predominantly higher mass stars (best guess). What do others think?


  • fatha731 by fatha731

    Good eye. That is actually a starburst galaxy with lots of new stars forming and ionized gas ( note the O2 and O3 spikes, those are responsible for the nice colour). And note the redshift on the spectrum description, it's positive so it is ndeed a redshift (not a blueshift)
    enter image description here

    Oh and I happened to notice the name of your collection. Did you know that when you forget to favourite an image, you can go to your profile and just favourite it there?
