Galaxy Zoo Talk

Explore data, do science, and share findings with Zoo Tools

  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    The Zooniverse team has been working on a way to enable people to do their own investigations with Zooniverse (and other) data, and Zoo Tools is now online at!

    There's also a blog post describing some basics of how to use Tools, and there will probably be more details and tutorials later as we all (myself included) familiarize ourselves with the newest part of the Zooniverse.

    It's still in beta testing, which means there may be some things that don't work perfectly, and if so the development team wants to know about that! If you have something you've been wanting to investigate with Galaxy Zoo or other Zooniverse data, now's the time to jump in and try out Tools. Play around a bit, tell us what you like and don't like, and what you'd like to see in the future.

    One of the coolest things about Tools (to me at least) is that you can share your work with others so they can see what you've done and work with the data themselves too. Tools is designed to help people collaborate.

    There's more detail on the blog ( and I hope everyone has fun learning their way around!




  • Peter_Dzwig by Peter_Dzwig


    a couple of questions about tools if I may: (i) can Tools be used to handle data from, GZ1 - 3; (ii) can I simply spec a .csv file containing the target AHZ/AGZ etc ID?



  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Hi Peter,

    I'm going to PM you about this -- there was some functionality like this coded into Tools for a special project but I don't think it will do exactly what you need. Maybe we can figure something else out...


