Galaxy Zoo Talk

Can you help us find multiple dust lanes in a galaxy ?

  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Hi Everyone 😃

    We are looking for something very specific - multiple dustlanes within a singular galaxy.

    They are quite uncommon, so it is unlikely you will come across them - if you are so lucky enough to do so - please tag them with #double_dust !! 😃

    Here is one example -



    The rules are:

    • The galaxy must not be in the process of merging,
    • or look like it has interacted with another galaxy.
    • It must be a smooth / elliptical galaxy or in this case possibly mistaken for a edge-on.
    • There must be more than 1 dustlane!

    Irregulars need not apply 😃

    Here is the collection: CGZL00006m

    Finally, please do not be offended if I remove your tag - we are looking for something very specific 😃

    Otherwise, you could just post in this thread!

    Cheers, and thank you for your help!

    Remember: #double_dust

    ~ Capella05


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Please be informed, that the same double dust lane had been discovered by another volunteer before!
    The corresponding DR7 image had been posted by skwalker on "April 03, 2009, 03:24:43 pm" in the old GZ Forum.:
    Topic: Dust lanes in 'non-spiral' galaxies (Dust lane ellipticals)
    He had done following comment.:

    Also seems to have a dust lane just off (above) the central plane.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to zutopian's comment.

    Good for Steve - pity it was hidden in that thread for almost 7 years!

    Like I said we are looking for similar objects 😃 Before this thread gets derailed can we keep focused on what we are looking for - multiple dustlanes in undisturbed galaxies 😃

    Cheers and Happy hunting!


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    From @GhostSheepSWR




  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR another one here


  • WEBs_in_space by WEBs_in_space in response to Ghost Sheep SWR's comment.

    Your find is actually disturbed, if you zoom out a bit.

    Stay cool


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    We will weed out the ones that don't meet the criteria - so not to worry! Just keep an eye out for more 😃


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    True, i noticed that to, but no culprit so far and might even be symmetrical ; might be we're looking from the wrong angle. Anyway center doesn't seem disturbed. Appy unting correction seems like near merger / 2 cores, and galaxy far in the background at 11 close at core (sdss skyserver data)


  • KWillett by KWillett scientist, admin, translator in response to Capella05's comment.

    Neat! Good examples so far...


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR


  • zutopian by zutopian

    AGZ00028pm :

    by Iaatos March 1 2015 9:31 PM:

    Magnificent double dust lane in a perfect elliptical.

    by isak.austin March 27 2015 2:54 PM:

    ElisavethB what is that circle around it ? i have seen many galaxies with circles but never this strong

    by ElisabethB moderator March 27 2015 3:23 PM:

    The brown circle is a dustlane that circles the galaxy.


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR this one is quite spectacular x-shaped double dustlane, 2 companion galaxies and small features in disk ( possibly overlap)

    EDIT found it: AGZ000alld


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Hi @GhostSheepSWR - can you please post the Galaxy Zoo ID (eg. AGZ00000xx ) of the galaxies that you wish to include - that is how we link all the data together 😃



  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Hi Capella05, sure! Just got addicted to hunting in DECaLs browser while trying to find double dustlanes 😃 i think there are a lot of them that don't have a Galaxy Zoo ID (yet)


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    No worries! Happens to all of us 😃


  • insaneAyesh by insaneAyesh

    This oject maybe a mutliple dustlane candidate, I came across while classifying for the GZ bar lengths project:


  • insaneAyesh by insaneAyesh in response to insaini007's comment.

    The rules state that it must be an elliptical but I think this one 468995, seems like a spiral at a beautiful angle 😃


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to insaini007's comment.

    Why would you call this an elliptical ? It is a disturbed spiral with a dustlane .

    enter image description here


  • insaneAyesh by insaneAyesh

    Sorry for not being clear. I was referring to the specificity of the rules of the object, that they be elliptical and I didnt think 468995 is elliptical, which you confirmed.
    The rules are:

    -The galaxy must not be in the process of merging,
    -or look like it has interacted with another galaxy.
    -It must be a smooth / elliptical galaxy or in this case possibly mistaken for a edge-on.
    -There must be more than 1 dustlane!


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    Some a bit iffy but im in a bit of a rush. Will go through more later. unless certain people who just go through other peoples collections get to them first


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    😃 just trying to fill this new collection as completely and fast as possible, sorry of i stepped on toes, seemed like not many people are interested / responding. Truly impressive collection of Collections btw


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Just remember : multiple dustlanes are very rare, maybe that is the reason why there are not a lot of responses so far. Although I think it is pretty impressive so far.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Perhaps not, but better to include now and exclude later (i.e. false positives are much preferred to false negatives!); SDSS J131104.82+265821.6 (no AGZ ID, I'm afraid):

    enter image description here

    Curiously, the dustlanes seem to extend well beyond the 'edge' of the galaxy ...


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    No worries Ghost sheep! It can take years of classifications to build up collections and people can get touchy about them. I have a lot of collections you should go through they come from going through almost 150,000 galaxies.


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Thank you wtaskew, cool of you, i think i understand. Maybe better if you also hashtag the ones from your collection so they show up in the list.

    Anyway, here is the ID of one i posted earlier as RADec in DECaLS;


  • williamaskew by williamaskew in response to Ghost Sheep SWR's comment.

    BTW a little advice that helped me. When collecting make sure your collections are broken into as many classifications as you can, that way when youre looking for something, there it is. You end up having alot of collections but its worth it in the end


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    The features we are looking for will be more noticeable in the DECaLS images, so I wouldn't spent too much time going through old SDSS images.

    Also the footprint of the survey area falls within the SDSS one, so we will see a lot of old favourites re-surfacing.


  • Benescu by Benescu

    Will this fit your criteria?
    Looks like a edge view, no merging, dust lines are visible.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to Benescu's comment.

    Do you have the Galaxy Zoo ID? We need it in order to update the collection... Cheers 😃


  • Benescu by Benescu

    Here is another dust lane in a galaxy Dust lanes , or for a better view, follow this link


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to Capella05's comment.

    Galaxy ID of what? Sorry for not understanding that, but i'm new here. can you be a bit more specific about that?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    The Galaxy Zoo ID (e.g. - AGZ000xxxx) - it is displayed in the top left corner on each of the respective object pages, also on the examine page, and in the URL address. Without it we are unable to add an image to a collection or link the data together.

    See example below - highlighted in yellow:

    enter image description here


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to Capella05's comment.

    I don't think I can provide that as I was watching the BIG map and I found the one I've linked above. If there's a way to get the id of it from what I've already provided, then we are fine. I don't know how I can find that galaxy ID. Tho, if I manage somehow to find it, I'll let you know asap.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Oh, Okay!

    I just thought maybe you were coming across the images whilst classifying, so you would have the ID to hand.


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to Capella05's comment.

    That would have been pure luck. I have some infos that might help you find it easier:

    (I assume you can get this info by yourself as well, but it worth trying)
    I hope this might help you. If not, my only chance is to pray to God (if God exist) so I can come across it while Classifying. 😄


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Not really 😃 With ~40 people classifying each image, it is likely that at some point it will get referenced on Talk. So with several people looking out for multiple dust lanes it will get tagged!

    All about the power of the collective 😄 (I really need to get a Borg emoji)


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR in response to Benescu's comment.

    Resistance is futile! |#
    @Benescu's: i already posted this one on page 2 of this discussion no GZ ID so far.. Look harder 😉 cheers


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to Ghost Sheep SWR's comment.

    Doesn't seem to be the same galaxy (check coordinates). Tho, the ones you posted look better than my one 😛. Also, I like to hunt them also on DECaLS, as I can see the big picture better and have more chances to find one there. Too bad we can't find/give them the ID. Luck and patience are the keys 😉


  • uwfshane by uwfshane

    This one isn't incredibly clear, but I figured I'd err on the side of optimism since we can just remove the hashtag if it's not what you're looking for.


  • Benescu by Benescu

    @ElisabethB I think I found one, but image in not complete. And this time I have an ID of it 😄 . Image AGZ000bg16 ( ) I'd like to see a complete image of this, if available.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to Benescu's comment.

    I can only get you the complete image from the SDSS catalogue :

    enter image description here

    Not sure this is a double dustlane. But it is an impressive dustlane 😄


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Not sure if is the same one, but your one looks impressive, I have to admit that 😄


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to Benescu's comment.

    Definitely the same one, just from a different catalogue! 😄


  • uwfshane by uwfshane

    Relatively certain this is only one lane, but I'll defer decision to the board:
    Picture is more clear in SDSS.


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR in response to uwfshane's comment.

    Hi uwfshane's, be wary there are many many galaxies with 1 dustlane, for instance check out this collection by wtaskew;


  • uwfshane by uwfshane

    Yes, I've seen quite a few with 1 lane. For the one above, I couldn't tell if there was a second lane just above the bright spot in the center. When you invert the image on SDSS it appears there may be a secondary lane, but wanted to see if anyone else was in agreement. Looks like they aren't 😃 That is a great collection of dust lanes that you shared from wtaskew!


  • Benescu by Benescu in response to uwfshane's comment.

    It might be a second dust lane on the other side of the galaxy, but since we only have a side view of it, we can only guess. Evidence is the key here, and we don't have any 😃


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    NGC 6081


  • insaneAyesh by insaneAyesh

    Found in the Bar Lengths project, possible candidate for multiple dustalne:
    Subject 471695


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    Image AGZ000287a
    Image AGZ0002kr1
    Image AGZ0006333
    Image AGZ000208i
    Image AGZ00027n6
    Image AGZ0002wt9
    Image AGZ0001kkb
    Image AGZ0005b00
    Image AGZ0003fqb
    Image AGZ0003m0g
    Image AGZ0005nhl
    Image AGZ0004pk0

    Few not as clear as some. Some in the maybe not list. I'll let y'all figure that


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Hi Capella05 , I have an image with a dust lane AGZ000AZZQ I cannot see a second lane but you may be able to magnify it . If I still have the image I will post it in Science . Ian


  • shocko61 by shocko61

    Double_Dustlanes HI Capella05 , If you are interested I just finished looking at "Deep Sky Videos " they have a video about M96 Galaxy and there are multiple Dust Lanes . That is if you have not already had a look . Cheers . Ian


  • ratprincess by ratprincess

    What about AGZ000BMMY?

    enter image description here


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to ratprincess's comment.

    Sorry, I don't see any dustlanes in this beautiful galaxy.


  • ratprincess by ratprincess in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Oops, so my conception of dust lane is incorrect. 8-X

    I thought the grey-purple-ish areas were dust lane. 8-O


  • ratprincess by ratprincess

    What about this one? The two horizontal lines off center?



  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to ratprincess's comment.

    Sorry, no dust lanes here. The colorization to the side is just an artifact.


  • ratprincess by ratprincess

    What about this?
    SDSS J163215.40-000259.7

    SDSS J163215.40-000259.7


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    There is dust all through a galaxy, sometimes it even bscures the nucleus.But when we talk about dust lanes, it is when we see the dust from the side so that it appears like a dark line.


  • ratprincess by ratprincess in response to Budgieye's comment.

    I am totally failing in the dust lane recognition department. It's a good thing that error rate is part of the project interest. I can at least contribute to that domain. lol


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator



  • TheaN9813 by TheaN9813

    Does this galaxy have a double dust lane?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to TheaN9813's comment.

    I think so, yes.

    Hope this helps, and happy hunting! 😃


  • ratprincess by ratprincess


    enter image description here


  • mnerantzinis by mnerantzinis

    Hello I am Marianna and I am a senior in high school. I am part of my school's science research team and am going to base my study off Galaxy Zoo. It would be very kind and helpful if anyone was willing to help out and suggest ideas! Thank you!


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Hi what do you have in mind for your school project? Finding a selection of stars and galaxies? Try reading some of the information in the left columns?


  • c_cld by c_cld

    #double_dust in survey COSMOS (GZ3)


    ID: AHZ20018y5
    Survey: COSMOS
    Survey reference: 20151784
    Right ascension: 149.9190° 
    Declination: 2.6010° as d:m:s
    Magnitude: 17.4014 ± 0.0006
    Kron radius: 3.5000
    Redshift: 0.249000


  • BioMiep by BioMiep

    Image AGZ000dcha I think this does fit the criteria exactly for this hunt.


  • BioMiep by BioMiep

    Image AGZ000d27a Another one.


  • Where_is_i by Where_is_i

    This ones a bit messy but might fit


  • barbarossa54 by barbarossa54

    is the image AGZOOd27a relative at #double_dust? actually it's posted in objects that need more research. tanks


  • harrisrej by harrisrej

    Multiple dust lanes in this image


  • harrisrej by harrisrej

    Multiple Dust Lanes


  • Vin100 by Vin100

    Nice multiple dust lanes


  • mlpeck by mlpeck

    Found while looking at MaNGA thumbnails: id=1237663787955585137

    enter image description here

    Is anyone actually monitoring this topic??


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to mlpeck's comment.

    Wow ! Nice one !

    And as for your question : No idea ! (sorry)


  • c_cld by c_cld

    Awaiting binary neutron star merger (BNS) confirmation in NGC4993 ; see



  • c_cld by c_cld

    NGC3656 / UGC6403 / ARP 155 1237658801497505815


    HST Observation on 2016-11-30 05:46
    Original observing program:
    14840 - Bellini, Andrea - Space Telescope Science Institute
    Schedule Gap Pilot

    JDBA5J010 NGC3656 / dusty disk, major merger origin


  • c_cld by c_cld

    IC442 / UGC3470 RA: 06 36 11.90 Dec: +82 58 08.00

    HST Observation Date: Oct 12 2016 Instrument: ACS
    Filter/Grating: F606W;CLEAR2L
    Aperture: WFC1
    Config: ACS/WFC

    Original observing program:
    14840 - Bellini, Andrea - Space Telescope Science Institute
    Schedule Gap Pilot


    pair of galaxies


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Really great HST images! Although I doubt they follow the original
    rules of the search;

    The rules are:

    The galaxy must not be in the process of merging, or look like it has
    interacted with another galaxy. It must be a smooth / elliptical
    galaxy or in this case possibly mistaken for a edge-on. There must be
    more than 1 dustlane! Irregulars need not apply 😃


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    Hi, What about NGC4921 a barred spiral in the Coma Cluster, Cheers bluemagi


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    Hi, I have a few, I am not sure they are what you looking for but I thought I'd put them in. NGC7049,NGC4589,NGC2768,NGC3627,NGC1316,NGC660,NGC1365,NGC986,NGC7722. Also Messier 96, Messier64 and Messier66. Cheers,bluemagi


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    Here's more: NGC5023,NGC4696,NGC660,NGC4565,NGC2787,NGC3214,NGC7049,NGC1300,NGC3628,NGCNGC4414,NGC4388,NGC3718,UGC11552,Messier 63,Messier 77 and Messier 65. Cheers,bluemagi


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    This is the last of them. They are all NGC's so I wrote only the numbers: 936,4621,4013,1365,3628,660,2397,7582,5866,6503,5907,5383
    5128,4754,4945,55,4111,4414,6861,891,4303,2683 and 624.


  • c_cld by c_cld

    SDSS J102949.32+514806.5 1237658802030706820 157.455533106, 51.801809663 (z) 0.046


    could apply for #doubledust
