Galaxy Zoo Talk

Provide more GZ volunteer stats? Create more advanced evaluations?

  • Inanimate_Carbon_Rod by Inanimate_Carbon_Rod

    I'm new here, but I really enjoy this. One thing I'd want more of though is stats about my contributions. So far my page just lists how many of each kind of image I've classified. I'd like to know more than that. I would be interested to see statistically how my classifications compare with others, how many others have classified an image, and whatever else might given interesting context.

    I would also be interested in doing more advanced work, so maybe add a Level 2 (and 3, and 4, etc. etc.) where people can progress, learn more and more, and contribute increasingly more and deeper evaluations.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Inanimate Carbon Rod's comment.

    Welcome to Galaxy Zoo, Inanimate Carbon Rod!

    Yours is a fairly common request, to get more feedback, but the way Galaxy Zoo works at the moment, you can't get any feedback. Further, it's doubtful you ever would be able to (except, perhaps, with dramatically increased security), because no one is supposed to be able to associate a classification with a particular zooite (all data is anonymized); see the Zooniverse User Agreement and Privacy Policy for more details..

    For some insights into where GZ is going, the slides etc from Wrap-Up from the Workshop on Citizen Science in Astronomy, held in Taiwan earlier this year, are quite interesting (the link takes you to a Zooniverse blog entry).

    I would also be interested in doing more advanced work, so maybe add a Level 2 (and 3, and 4, etc. etc.) where people can progress, learn more and more, and contribute increasingly more and deeper evaluations.

    This can, and does, happen, but not here in GZ Talk; rather, in the Galaxy Zoo forum. Of the Zooniverse projects where this sort of Level 2+ activity is currently happening, perhaps Planet Hunters and Radio Galaxy Zoo (links are to the respective Talks) might be your best bets. SpaceWarps had just what you ask about, but it's now a retired project. 😦

    Happy hunting! 😃


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    One way you can get some feedback if you wish to is to classify in a group (it can be a group of one person) and then use the Navigator tools to explore the galaxies you've classified in a group. This is a tool we've found to be popular with educators, but is available to all.

    Try it out here:
