Galaxy Zoo Talk

Feature suggestion

  • Zooilogical by Zooilogical


    I have a feature suggestion for the Galaxy Zoo website. In a crowded image like this, it can be hard to find the center of the image (at least it is for me, but there might be others who have the same difficulty). It would be helpful to have a tool to aid in this. For example, a button that, when clicked, adds diagonals to the image. Where the diagonals intersect would be the center of the image, ofcourse.

    It's just an idea and maybe implementing this is more trouble than it's worth. Either way, Galaxy Zoo is an awesome project and a great website 😃


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Just so there is no confusion - This post was not made by the real Zookeeper - Chris Lintott, but rather a new user with a similar account name.


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Another suggestion: instead of diagonals add a button that adds an overlaying grid. Maybe a 5x5 grid (or 10x10), with numbers 1-5 on the x-axis and letters on the y-axis, so that the central object always is positioned in grid 3C. This would also help with questions about other objects / features in the FOV.
