Galaxy Zoo Talk

Results of quizzes

  • v3nom by v3nom

    Is it possible to see results of quizzes? I am interested in bad answers, as it is just another opportunity to learn something new. I am not that stupid to believe, that I made no single mistake 😉


  • Anna_Ponomarenko by Anna_Ponomarenko

    I want to see my results too and the right answers))


  • SandersClan by SandersClan

    I probably have more incorrect answers than correct ones. In addition to seeing correct answers, I would love some links to reputable sites that would help me become more knowledgeable (read: less of a laughingstock!) in the areas addressed in the quizzes. Thanks!


  • v3nom by v3nom

    Apparently there is demand for this tool. Personally I believe that results are anonymized and not easily accessible, but who knows?


  • icarus777 by icarus777

    Don't be afraid to make mistakes. We learn more from those.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The quizzes are not used to weigh classifiers ! It's only a tool to get an idea about the knowledge of the zooites.
    And remember this is a collaborative effort ! Every picture gets to be classified by at least ten people. And for lots of images there is no right or wrong ! We are just asking people to classify these images on a visual basis. Just answer the questions and you are advancing science !
    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    I posted this in "the other" Talk thread on quizzes (Quiz answers!):

    There are two threads in the GZ forum which may be interest: Who writes the multiple choice questions that appear while classifying galaxies? (an old thread, with some recent updates), and Second Zooniverse Project Workshop: 29 and 30 April 2013 (the link takes you to the last - of 12 - pages; that's where the posts on the quizzes can be found). There is also a similar thread in the Old Weather forum, and one in Planet Hunters Talk with posts on quizzes, by the other two 'zooite representatives' (i.e. katsee and Janet).
