Galaxy Zoo Talk

Interface bugs

  • arfon by arfon

    Found any bugs we should know about? Post them here...


  • arfon by arfon

    I'll start: some of the galaxy objects are still importing here and so when you click the link to 'discuss' at the end of the decision tree you'll get a 404 'not found'. This should fix itself over the next few hours.


  • mschwamb by mschwamb translator

    The new Galaxy Zoo interface is beautiful and sleek. The help content gets cut off in chrome - . Examples are the the help boxes for "Is the galaxy simply smooth and rounded, with no sign of a disk?" and " What are the odd features?". For the latter, when you scroll to the bottom the last set of images are half there.


  • arfon by arfon

    Booo to missing help content! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Glad you like the site though!


  • matthewmartinmurray by matthewmartinmurray

    Can't find my old favorites? Am I crazy?


  • arfon by arfon

    Hi Matthew, with the new version of Galaxy Zoo it's all new galaxies so the old objects aren't in the new site. You can see your old favourites at:


  • jonmimir by jonmimir

    Hi there. I've been having fun submitting most shapes but when I get an 'odd' one, selecting one or more features and clicking 'done' does nothing. I'm using Chrome on Mac OS Mountain Lion. All the other shape types submit just fine but the interesting ones won't.


  • r3vans by r3vans

    Chrome on Mac. Classify/What are the odd features. I got a Javascript error as below. A shame as I was looking forward to it!

    Unsafe JavaScript attempt to access frame with URL from frame with URL Domains, protocols and ports must match.
    Failed to load resource
    Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'id' of undefined


  • mschwamb by mschwamb translator in response to arfon's comment.

    Booo to missing help content! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Glad you like the site though!

    The interface is really something: fast and sleek (I'm jealous!). Congratulations to all the developers and science team on the relaunch. I just wanted to mention something really minor - on - You've got a "(ADD BLOG LINKS TO EACH OF THESE)" hanging around.


  • arfon by arfon in response to jonmimir's comment.

    Hi there. I've been having fun submitting most shapes but when I get an 'odd' one, selecting one or more features and clicking 'done' does nothing. I'm using Chrome on Mac OS Mountain Lion. All the other shape types submit just fine but the interesting ones won't.

    I've seen this bug too this morning - will look into it.


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    Should I still see the old style orange ring on my tabs? (Chrome in Mac Mountain Lion). (PS. Also have the "something odd" problem with SDSS objects).


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    User on twitter (confirmed by me) - iPhone ap version not currently working? Mine tells me "server unhappy", then that my account doesn't exist (and loop indefinitely).


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    Actually the bug for me is worse (Chrome on Mountain Lion) - I have to completely reload to get a new galaxy (no buttons work after it asks me if I want to discuss this object).


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I think the app will start working again in the future, but not yet. For now mobile users can use the website -- I tested it on the iPhone this morning and it seemed to work fine.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Even though I am logged in, I get this screen after I classify. Using a Mac.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    None of my SkyServer SDSS images seem to work? Am I missing something really obvious?


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    I think that's a bug in the new (DR8) version of sky server. I find if I hit "Find Image" it will load, but it doesn't do it automatically which is annoying (I'll send an email somewhere...)


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I'm having trouble getting SkyServer to display images as well -- maybe there's a technical problem on the SDSS end (or we're overloading it)?


  • Auroness by Auroness

    Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS 10.6.8

    1. I login at zooniverse, then have to log in again at The logins used to carry over.

    2. Whenever I select one or more "odd", and click on the "done" mark, it goes immediately to the next image, without the option to discuss. If there is nothing "odd", the buttons all work like they should.


  • arfon by arfon in response to klmasters's comment.

    Actually the bug for me is worse (Chrome on Mountain Lion) - I have to completely reload to get a new galaxy (no buttons work after it asks me if I want to discuss this object).

    Hi Karen

    This bug should now be fixed. You may need to clear your browser's cache to see the fix.



  • arfon by arfon in response to echo-lily-mai's comment.

    None of my SkyServer SDSS images seem to work? Am I missing something really obvious?

    Also now fixed.


  • Dean_Fielding by Dean_Fielding in response to mschwamb's comment.

    The new Galaxy Zoo interface is beautiful and sleek. The help content gets cut off in chrome - . Examples are the the help boxes for "Is the galaxy simply smooth and rounded, with no sign of a disk?" and " What are the odd features?". For the latter, when you scroll to the bottom the last set of images are half there.

    im having the same problem. ive tried using my mobile phone, laptop with windows 7 and pc with windows xp. if i click on the help button when im not sure then i cant scroll down to view all of the help images and some dont display at all.


  • Dean_Fielding by Dean_Fielding in response to mschwamb's comment.


    Booo to missing help content! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Glad you like the site though!

    The interface is really something: fast and sleek (I'm jealous!). Congratulations to all the developers and science team on the relaunch. I just wanted to mention something really minor - on - You've got a "(ADD BLOG LINKS TO EACH OF THESE)" hanging around.

    im having the same problem, ive tried using my mobile phone, laptop with windows 7 and pc with windows xp. if i click on the help button when im not sure then i cant scroll down to view all of the help images and some dont display at all.


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    Can someone tell me where the 5000 odd galaxies i have classified have gone?


  • heathen by heathen

    bug with new htc evo phone when looking a quiz you can not scroll the quiz or resize it


  • sanadros by sanadros

    If u click on the arow of recent collection or recent objects then u get that (FF 15.0.1 Win 7)

    if(false) {
    $('.home .mode_switch').css('background', 'none');
    $('.home .mode_switch').html($(""));
    $('.home #discussions').removeClass('recent').removeClass('trending').addClass('recent');

    var current_page_number = 2;

    if(false || $('#collections_page_' + current_page_number).length == 0) {
    var container = $('#collections');
    var new_page = $("<div id="collections_page_2" class="page">\n <div class="collection">\n <div class="translucent gold circle">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002p">S00002p</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold title-bar">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002p">H Jagt</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold stats-wrapper">\n <div class="stat">\n 1 object\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="collection-info paginatable_collection">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="col">\n <a href="/collections/CGZS00002p"><img alt="1237649963535564847" class="collection-thumbnail" height="100" src="" width="260" /></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="nav"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="collection">\n <div class="translucent gold circle">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002o">S00002o</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold title-bar">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002o">Curious</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold stats-wrapper">\n <div class="stat">\n 1 object\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="collection-info paginatable_collection">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="col">\n <a href="/collections/CGZS00002o"><img alt="1237678919133495326" class="collection-thumbnail" height="100" src="" width="260" /></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="nav"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="collection">\n <div class="translucent gold circle">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002n">S00002n</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold title-bar">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZS00002n">artifacts and stars</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold stats-wrapper">\n <div class="stat">\n 1 object\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="collection-info paginatable_collection">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="col">\n <a href="/collections/CGZS00002n"><img alt="Cos_12111" class="collection-thumbnail" height="100" src="" width="260" /></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="nav"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n <div class="collection">\n <div class="translucent gold circle">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZL000008">L000008</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold title-bar">\n

    <a href="/collections/CGZL000008">tagged Nebulas</a></p>\n </div>\n <div class="translucent gold stats-wrapper">\n <div class="stat">\n 1 object\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="collection-info paginatable_collection">\n <div class="container">\n <div class="col">\n <a href="/collections/CGZL000008"><img alt="1237652943175286842" class="collection-thumbnail" height="100" src="" width="260" /></a>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="nav"></div>\n </div>\n </div>\n \n <div class="page-nav">\n <div class="less" style="display: none;"></div>\n Page 2 of 27\n <a href="/more.js?collections_page=3&kinds=collections&showing=recent" class="page-loader" data-method="post" data-remote="true" rel="nofollow"><div class="more"></div></a>\n <div class="push"></div>\n </div>\n</div>\n\n<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">\n $(document).ready(function() {\n Talk.paginated_collection.init();\n \n $('#collections_page_2 .page-loader').live('click', function() {\n page_loading($(this).closest('.page-nav'));\n });\n });\n</script>\n");

    if(false) {
      $('.list .page-container', container).html(new_page);
      $('h2', container).text('RECENT COLLECTIONS');
    else {
      new_page.attr('style', 'margin-left: -350px;');
      $('.page-nav', new_page).hide();
      $('.list .page-container', container).prepend(new_page);
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      var current_page = $('#collections_page_' + current_page_number);
      $('.more', previous_page).click(function() {
        return false;
      $('.less', current_page).show();
      $('.less', current_page).click(function() {
        return false;
      page_done_loading($('.page-nav', previous_page));
      $('.page-nav', previous_page).hide();
        marginLeft: 0
      }, 600, 'linear', function() {
        $('.page-nav', current_page).show();



  • NicholasDM by NicholasDM

    I've just returned to classifying galaxies after about a year hiatus and I'm having a heck of a time with the new interface being very, very inconsistent. For galaxies that I need to classify as "clumpy", the option never comes up under any menu. But I've gotten spirals before, clicked on "spiral or features" and immediately received the "clumpy" classification. But then for another galaxy I need to classify as round and smooth, I'll click the "smooth" classification and I get the "clumpy" option.

    It's very hit or miss, and there is another section of classifications that randomly pops up having to do with merging and tidal debris. Very random and causing the correct classification to come up is not reproducible in my experience, and boy did I try through several galaxies by systematically clicking through all of the menus.

    Still waiting for the Android app to be fixed. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Doesn't work on my Galaxy Nexus or my Nexus 7 tablet.

    Windows 7 Pro. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox.


  • karthikeyan.d by karthikeyan.d

    Some observations and questions about the Profile page

    • if I refresh it, I am asked to log in again. Why? Shouldn't the page just ... refresh?
    • I can see only one page of the Favourites and Recent lists. How to see the remaining pages?
    • Even though I have taken two quizzes, the count is still shown as 0.



  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to NicholasDM's comment.

    I've just returned to classifying galaxies after about a year hiatus and I'm having a heck of a time with the new interface being very, very inconsistent. For galaxies that I need to classify as "clumpy", the option never comes up under any menu. But I've gotten spirals before, clicked on "spiral or features" and immediately received the "clumpy" classification. But then for another galaxy I need to classify as round and smooth, I'll click the "smooth" classification and I get the "clumpy" option.
    It's very hit or miss, and there is another section of classifications that randomly pops up having to do with merging and tidal debris. Very random and causing the correct classification to come up is not reproducible in my experience, and boy did I try through several galaxies by systematically clicking through all of the menus.
    Still waiting for the Android app to be fixed. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Doesn't work on my Galaxy Nexus or my Nexus 7 tablet.
    Windows 7 Pro. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox.

    There are actually two question trees, one for Hubble data and one for SDSS. When you're viewing a Hubble image you'll be asked about mergers directly (and possibly about clumps), but that question doesn't exist in SDSS, where you can still note a merger in the "Odd" question (which doesn't exist for Hubble). Either way you can still discuss the object here and give it a hashtag with whatever features you thought were interesting that the question tree didn't ask about!

    You can see which survey you're classifying data from by checking the icon next to the "Invert" button, above the questions.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Auroness's comment.

    Safari 5.1.7 on Mac OS 10.6.8

    1. I login at zooniverse, then have to log in again at The logins used to carry over.
    2. Whenever I select one or more "odd", and click on the "done" mark, it goes immediately to the next image, without the option to discuss. If there is nothing "odd", the buttons all work like they should.

    I have the same issue for 1. Is there a plan to fix it? A single login to all Zooinverse projects, and attached fora/Talks would seem to be A GOOD IDEA


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    When I go to my profile page it shows my first 10 comments, then there is a darker line, and under that it shows my first two comments again. That's it, it doesn't show any more.
    Obviously to track what I've posted I can go to home page, recent discussions, Including posts by me.
    I know from moderating a different Talk it is sometimes necessary to review comments, is this happening to other people or just me?


  • NicholasDM by NicholasDM in response to vrooje's comment.


    I've just returned to classifying galaxies after about a year hiatus and I'm having a heck of a time with the new interface being very, very inconsistent. For galaxies that I need to classify as "clumpy", the option never comes up under any menu. But I've gotten spirals before, clicked on "spiral or features" and immediately received the "clumpy" classification. But then for another galaxy I need to classify as round and smooth, I'll click the "smooth" classification and I get the "clumpy" option.
    It's very hit or miss, and there is another section of classifications that randomly pops up having to do with merging and tidal debris. Very random and causing the correct classification to come up is not reproducible in my experience, and boy did I try through several galaxies by systematically clicking through all of the menus.
    Still waiting for the Android app to be fixed. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Doesn't work on my Galaxy Nexus or my Nexus 7 tablet.
    Windows 7 Pro. Google Chrome. Mozilla Firefox.

    There are actually two question trees, one for Hubble data and one for SDSS. When you're viewing a Hubble image you'll be asked about mergers directly (and possibly about clumps), but that question doesn't exist in SDSS, where you can still note a merger in the "Odd" question (which doesn't exist for Hubble). Either way you can still discuss the object here and give it a hashtag with whatever features you thought were interesting that the question tree didn't ask about!
    You can see which survey you're classifying data from by checking the icon next to the "Invert" button, above the questions.

    Thank you for the information! I will read and inspect the elements more carefully from now on.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Me again!!! When I go to classify it won't let me login. I have to classify at least 3 galaxies before it will prompt me to do so. Then I can login from there. The most annoying thing about this is that if one of those three is a particularly nice galaxy that you would like to add to favourites, you can't ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Also I have to login again to post onto Talk.


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Not all of the classified images are displayed.:
    Forum post on September 13, 2012, 08:42:19 AM and a following post today.:


  • garrett_cw by garrett_cw in response to echo-lily-mai's comment.

    Me again!!! When I go to classify it won't let me login. I have to classify at least 3 galaxies before it will prompt me to do so. Then I can login from there. The most annoying thing about this is that if one of those three is a particularly nice galaxy that you would like to add to favourites, you can't ๐Ÿ˜ฆ Also I have to login again to post onto Talk.

    The login button does nothing. you can click profile and it will give you a login form.
    When I go to talk (This forum), why do I have to login again?


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    garrett_cw in response to echo-lily-mai

    The login button does nothing. you can click profile and it will give you a login form.

    Nice tip! No longer do I have to worry that one of the first three galaxies I classify will be one that I want to favourite ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • james_involute by james_involute

    After selecting 'remove' on a stale/irrelevant discussion, I can no longer see my profile page - I get an error page. I'm keen to get access to my collections again! Any help much appreciated.


  • Chinabob by Chinabob

    Please could somebody guide me on how to get the help page to scroll down. I am using chrome.
    Have an uncomplicated day


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    There isn't a link to blogs!!!! The only one I can find is half way through a page of text in "The story so far".


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Please read my comment 4 posts down comments and discussions really should be accessible when clicking on the object ID. Otherwise information cannot be gathered or questions answered.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Please read my comment 4 posts down comments and discussions really should be accessible when clicking on the object ID. Otherwise information cannot be gathered or questions answered.

    Ok I am calming down a little now... I see there is a link when you click on object ID "Mentions" (this really was hard to find, if you don't know that its there) however my next complaint is that it takes you to the begging of a discussion not to the post itself. so you won't be able to find where the comment is. Especially the more people that post to that discussion.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Me again!!!!! Actually there is a problem, If you click on my comment it says there are no discussions (which is wrong) but there is a mention. If you then click on discussion it has mentions, but with no link to my comment! If you click on the mention 'bug' it will bring you to the beginning of the thread. Feel free to play around with these links to check.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I posted this on those object pages, but just to cross-post: I think the discussions are separated because AGZ00013uv and AGZ00013vp are two separate objects in the database, one for each side of the object/pair in question.

    Note that if you mention one object in the discussion (or on the object page) of another it will link those pages together. As far as I can tell this will only link them in one direction unless you then go to the other page and link the first object back, and then they will be cross-linked.

    I haven't played around with the search features enough to know how useful this will be for, say, galaxies where the central object and several star-forming clumps each have their own object in the database.


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Of course! My mistake uv and vp are different!! Big sorry.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Not sure if this has come up yet or not (this thread is already five pages long!).

    While classifying, you can click on Help, at any time, and a window pops up with helpful help! Yay!!

    However, the Help with "Bar or No" says "Sometimes galaxies have a prominent straight "bar" running through their centre, and that's what we're looking for here. Click to see larger images." .. but there are no images! ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    ETA (more): the "how tightly wound?" help pop-up is too long; the third choice/example ("loose") is below the bottom of my screen!

    Then "How many spiral arms?" There's only one case, and only one example, and it's of "can't tell" (not a good one, I might add)

    Also, "how prominent is the bulge?" is like the "bar" help - no images. Ditto "Is there anything odd?" (Obviously, this is all about the SDSS tree; I'll check the Hubble one later).

    Lastly, the help - about "would you like to discuss?" - says you'll be returned to classifying when (if?) you close the new "discuss" window. However, it doesn't say that - at this point - you're done with that object! Not a biggie, but you don't get to restart your classification! This is important!! Why? Because, as Karen says (in a comment in the blog) "For the SDSS images, if you follow the Galaxy Zoo Examine link you can zoom in on the Skyserver image." (in reference to not being sure what the object at the center of the image is - the one you're supposed to classify). Which is true. But by then you've no chance to go back and restart, having discovered you've classified the wrong object! (that bug is the topic of at least one of my posts/comments, with #question, or #questions in it).


  • james_involute by james_involute

    Unfortunately I still can't access my profile page. This is the only way I can easily manage my collections and, now I have established a profile, I'd rather not have to discard it. It has occurred to me the problem my be that I am still 'watching' a discussion that has been removed.


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Discussion: DR8 says STAR


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    For the moment you can only access the first page of your favourites and recents. How can we get to the other pages ?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Don't know if this counts as a bug, but it looks like everyone gets the same images in the same order.
    It has happened a couple of times that people post the same image only minutes apart.
    Or for instance this morning there were a lot of bad images with stars and apparently a lot of people got these.
    Shouldn't this be more random ?
    Or is it just a feeling and the images are served at random ? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    Hello, quick question. Why are some of the # tags not working? I've noticed some comments with tags are not blue and do not link?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Yup, noticed that too.


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to echo-lily-mai's comment.

    Hello, quick question. Why are some of the # tags not working? I've noticed some comments with tags are not blue and do not link?

    If you use a tag after you wrote some other text, it is blue.
    If you press "blank" and then use a tag it is also blue.
    Otherwise it is not blue in a post, but nonetheless it is also displayed in the blue box at the top of a page or as a keyword.
    #tag1 As you can see, tag1 is also displayed in the blue box at the top of this page.
    #tag2 I put a "blank" before the tag
    this is #tag3


  • zutopian by zutopian

    There are GZ images, which are incomplete, though in SDSS the whole image is available, e.g. this one:


  • zutopian by zutopian

    The Help pages for "Bar" and "Bulge" don't contain images, but there is given "Click to see larger images.":
    "Sometimes galaxies have a prominent straight "bar" running through their centre, and that's what we're looking for here. Click to see larger images."
    "It's not always easy to tell, but look at the centre of the galaxy for a round bulge of stars which may obscure any bar and the spiral arms in this central region. Click to see larger images."


  • echo-lily-mai by echo-lily-mai

    The annotate feature doesn't work. It does when you preview reply, but not when you post.


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s

    Do not know if this is the place to post this question...............but I can see no other....... Why do the classification numbers not change . I have been classifying most of the day and my numbers do not change.(Zoo4) I assume since 95% of the pictures up to be classify are star or artifact they do not count? Any and input would be great.


  • keyaberry by keyaberry

    any way to add a profile picture?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Lots of interface bugs reported, no comment back from anyone in the development team (etc), on any (except > 20 days' ago).



  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s

    Good question Jean.


  • GStark by GStark

    I gotta say, I am dismayed by this whole process. I have lost all my classified history, there is no invert on the Examine display for a Favorite, Z values seem to have gone away from the Examine view - both Classify and Favorite... Perhaps they ran off with the missing NED link, and this talk interface feels inferior to the old forums one.

    It is a fact that I am having much less fun and grumbling more.


  • arfon by arfon in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    That's a subtle 'bug' that can appear when a few people are on the site simultaneously classifying and also commenting heavily. It's actually because we're building up the classifications for each object uniformly so we can be more efficient.

    It's not quite a bug but I think we might want to change this to behave slightly differently.


    Don't know if this counts as a bug, but it looks like everyone gets the same images in the same order.
    It has happened a couple of times that people post the same image only minutes apart.
    Or for instance this morning there were a lot of bad images with stars and apparently a lot of people got these.
    Shouldn't this be more random ?
    Or is it just a feeling and the images are served at random ? ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • arfon by arfon in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    For the moment you can only access the first page of your favourites and recents. How can we get to the other pages ?

    Going to try and get that implemented this week. Sorry it's taken a while to get to this.



  • arfon by arfon in response to kuyanik's comment.

    Going to take a look at this today. Thanks for pointing this out (Jean also).


    The Help pages for "Bar" and "Bulge" don't contain images, but there is given "Click to see larger images.":
    "Sometimes galaxies have a prominent straight "bar" running through their centre, and that's what we're looking for here. Click to see larger images."
    "It's not always easy to tell, but look at the centre of the galaxy for a round bulge of stars which may obscure any bar and the spiral arms in this central region. Click to see larger images."


  • arfon by arfon in response to elizabeth's comment.

    Is this on your Zooniverse profile page? We didn't manage to hook the new site up to the Zooniverse profiles before launch - they definitely all count though!

    Do not know if this is the place to post this question...............but I can see no other....... Why do the classification numbers not change . I have been classifying most of the day and my numbers do not change.(Zoo4) I assume since 95% of the pictures up to be classify are star or artifact they do not count? Any and input would be great.


  • arfon by arfon in response to kuyanik's comment.

    There are GZ images, which are incomplete, though in SDSS the whole image is available, e.g. this one:

    We may be able to fix this but I'm pretty sure this is an issue with the way the SDSS cutouts are created for the site and not something under our control sorry.


  • arfon by arfon in response to GStark's comment.

    Hi gstark. Are you missing your classification history from the old project?

    I gotta say, I am dismayed by this whole process. I have lost all my classified history, there is no invert on the Examine display for a Favorite, Z values seem to have gone away from the Examine view - both Classify and Favorite... Perhaps they ran off with the missing NED link, and this talk interface feels inferior to the old forums one.
    It is a fact that I am having much less fun and grumbling more.


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to arfon's comment.


    There are GZ images, which are incomplete, though in SDSS the whole image is available, e.g. this one:

    We may be able to fix this but I'm pretty sure this is an issue with the way the SDSS cutouts are created for the site and not something under our control sorry.

    I had asked that question also in another discussion and klmasters replied and I replied to her reply.:
    I use #blankpart for such kind of images. I think, that classifying an image, which is too incomplete, doesn't make sense. Besides it is difficult to recognize the central object in some cases.


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to arfon's comment.

    Going to take a look at this today. Thanks for pointing this out (Jean also).

    The Help pages for "Bar" and "Bulge" don't contain images, but there is given "Click to see larger images.":
    "Sometimes galaxies have a prominent straight "bar" running through their centre, and that's what we're looking for here. Click to see larger images."
    "It's not always easy to tell, but look at the centre of the galaxy for a round bulge of stars which may obscure any bar and the spiral arms in this central region. Click to see larger images."

    The Help pages for the Hubble images contain bar and bulge images, but the Help pages for the SDSS images don't.


  • zutopian by zutopian

    I started a topic in Technical Support on the forum.:

    I use IE9 and it worked fine for the new GZ, but now the look of site is in a mess.: The classification buttons and the questions are misplaced. As far as I know, IE9 is the latest version. If so, why is the new GZ now in a mess? Following message is displayed.: This site probably won't work until you update your browser...
    Here is a part of the print screen:


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    Is there a chance we could get the page marker dots on our collections a little clearer? Even larger?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    "Backward compatibility" seems to have been lost. Zooite Rybo1 posted a beautiful Hubble spiral in the forum, on April 20, 2011. The image still displays (image URL:, and he gave a URL (link) for the object:

    Yet clicking on that takes you to a page with this message (over two lines): "We can't find the page you're looking for Please try retyping the address, or return home"

    Is every Hubble Zoo object now lost (to zooites), except for their posted images?


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to JeanTate's comment.

    "Backward compatibility" seems to have been lost. Zooite Rybo1 posted a beautiful Hubble spiral in the forum, on April 20, 2011. The image still displays (image URL:, and he gave a URL (link) for the object:
    Yet clicking on that takes you to a page with this message (over two lines): "We can't find the page you're looking for Please try retyping the address, or return home"
    Is every Hubble Zoo object now lost (to zooites), except for their posted images?

    That question was asked here before.
    arfon replied.:

    with the new version of Galaxy Zoo it's all new galaxies so the old objects aren't in the new site. You can see your old favourites at:
    So the new link for that image from the previous GZ is as follows.:


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to wtaskew's comment.

    Is there a chance we could get the page marker dots on our collections a little clearer? Even larger?

    I suggest to add page numbers!


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Referring to my post from 2 days ago.:
    NOW THERE IS JUST THE BACKGROUND DISPLAYED! The message "browser update" no longer appears! I use IE9!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to kuyanik's comment.


    "Backward compatibility" seems to have been lost. Zooite Rybo1 posted a beautiful Hubble spiral in the forum, on April 20, 2011. The image still displays (image URL:, and he gave a URL (link) for the object:
    Yet clicking on that takes you to a page with this message (over two lines): "We can't find the page you're looking for Please try retyping the address, or return home"
    Is every Hubble Zoo object now lost (to zooites), except for their posted images?

    That question was asked here before.
    arfon replied.:

    with the new version of Galaxy Zoo it's all new galaxies so the old objects aren't in the new site. You can see your old favourites at:
    So the new link for that image from the previous GZ is as follows.:

    Thanks zutopian.

    Recommendation for the development team then: change the text on the "We can't find..." default page, to include words which mean "if you're looking for a Hubble Zoo image, the URL will look like {sample URL}. For more on older versions of the Galaxy Zoo, click on this link, a forum post by zookeeperChris:"


  • arfon by arfon in response to kuyanik's comment.

    That's correct. Sorry we didn't make this more obvious.


    "Backward compatibility" seems to have been lost. Zooite Rybo1 posted a beautiful Hubble spiral in the forum, on April 20, 2011. The image still displays (image URL:, and he gave a URL (link) for the object:
    Yet clicking on that takes you to a page with this message (over two lines): "We can't find the page you're looking for Please try retyping the address, or return home"
    Is every Hubble Zoo object now lost (to zooites), except for their posted images?

    That question was asked here before.
    arfon replied.:

    with the new version of Galaxy Zoo it's all new galaxies so the old objects aren't in the new site. You can see your old favourites at:
    So the new link for that image from the previous GZ is as follows.:


  • zutopian by zutopian in response to arfon's comment.

    That's correct. Sorry we didn't make this more obvious.


    "Backward compatibility" seems to have been lost. Zooite Rybo1 posted a beautiful Hubble spiral in the forum, on April 20, 2011. The image still displays (image URL:, and he gave a URL (link) for the object:
    Yet clicking on that takes you to a page with this message (over two lines): "We can't find the page you're looking for Please try retyping the address, or return home"
    Is every Hubble Zoo object now lost (to zooites), except for their posted images?

    That question was asked here before.
    arfon replied.:

    with the new version of Galaxy Zoo it's all new galaxies so the old objects aren't in the new site. You can see your old favourites at:
    So the new link for that image from the previous GZ is as follows.:

    Today I noticed, that there is following information and a link in Favourites/Recents (new GZ) given.:

    If you're looking for your old galaxies from Galaxy Zoo Hubble, ...


  • zutopian by zutopian

    Please make Talk more userfriendly! There is something, about what I am annoyed, because it is time cosuming.:
    I get #annoyed, when looking at the Recent posts in Talk.:
    When clicking on a post e.g. on page 4 and then go back, Page1 is displayed instead of Page4. (On the GZ forum it is fine!)
    I wonder, why it is the case. Haven't someone complained about it in the Talk sites of the other projects? Or do others don't have that problem? I use IE9.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    The raw data button hasn't worked on the iPad. I really need to try it on the computer. That's so interesting.
    That's a post by anned75, in the GZ forum.

    I've copied it here because I doubt anyone will see it over there!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    I don't think this has been mentioned before: the Talk interpreter is really, really dumb. It needs to get smarter.

    Example: if it finds a hash character, followed by a letter (and maybe a numeral), it treats it as a tag. Even if that string is part of a URL! (OK, maybe it's at least two letters).


  • josmann by josmann

    I'm getting a weird bug. None of the galaxy images are displaying for me anymore. I classified 20+ galaxies just fine a week ago and now every single image acts like it's broken. If I blindly classify the given galaxy, the next one shows up like this too. I've used Chrome, IE, and Firefox on two different PCs running Windows 8 and Windows 7 and I get the same issue with both. Here's a screenshot

    Edit: So I figured out that the images show up when I'm on my university's internet connection, but not when I'm on my home connection. Any Ideas why?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    "View raw data in different wavelengths" tool is not working (at least for Hubble images)


  • villordsutch by villordsutch in response to arfon's comment.

    Found any bugs we should know about? Post them here...

    I can't seem to log in on my Nexus 7. On the log in screen I get an error message and I am told to try again in 2 minutes (this first started was 7 hours ago).


  • Mgorman by Mgorman in response to JeanTate's comment.

    "View raw data in different wavelengths" tool is not working (at least for Hubble images)

    Agree. This tool has been inconsistent with Hubble images for many days, sometimes working and others not. It seems very slow all the time, even when working.


  • v3nom by v3nom

    Recently I noticed that sometimes picture does not refresh after successful classification. I answer yes/no for question "Do you want to discuss object" and nothing happens - page seems to be frozen. Obviously I cannot submit classification again, as buttons seem to be deactivated. However I found that all such classifications appear in the system in my "recent classifications".

    I suspected my network connection, but it is no that bad and "pings" are usually around 100-300ms, sometimes 500-900ms. Do you also experience similar issues recently?

    EDIT: I kept classifying while running ping in terminal window, so I could see performance of my network connection. I noticed that page failed to "reload" (technically picture did not change), but there was no problem with my network in the same time.


  • v3nom by v3nom

    There is also bug in the mail notification subsystem. I get constantly every week or two weeks below message. First I thought that this is caused by moderator, who moderated message left by spam bot, but message keeps appearing in my inbox. It seems that ElisabethB broke something ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dear v3nom
    The discussion 'New to Galaxy Zoo? Want Help? Read this!' has been commented on by ElisabethB
    Click here to view the discussion.
    The comment was:
    The Zooniverse Email Robot


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to v3nom's comment.

    There is also bug in the mail notification subsystem. I get constantly every week or two weeks below message. First I thought that this is caused by moderator, who moderated message left by spam bot, but message keeps appearing in my inbox. It seems that ElisabethB broke something ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Dear v3nom
    The discussion 'New to Galaxy Zoo? Want Help? Read this!' has been commented on by ElisabethB
    Click here to view the discussion.
    The comment was:
    The Zooniverse Email Robot

    We can't sticky posts here in this version of Talk and that is the only way to get that thread on top of the page.
    You are following this thread and that is why you get notified every time there's an 'update'.
    Sorry !


  • v3nom by v3nom

    That is fine! Thank you ElisabethB for explaining mysterious 'x' ๐Ÿ˜‰ I would like to watch few topics here, but I can live with that, no problem.


  • jaroslavp by jaroslavp in response to v3nom's comment.

    Recently I noticed that sometimes picture does not refresh after successful classification. I answer yes/no for question "Do you want to discuss object" and nothing happens - page seems to be frozen. Obviously I cannot submit classification again, as buttons seem to be deactivated. However I found that all such classifications appear in the system in my "recent classifications".
    I suspected my network connection, but it is no that bad and "pings" are usually around 100-300ms, sometimes 500-900ms. Do you also experience similar issues recently?
    EDIT: I kept classifying while running ping in terminal window, so I could see performance of my network connection. I noticed that page failed to "reload" (technically picture did not change), but there was no problem with my network in the same time.

    I have the same problem.


  • parrish by parrish admin in response to jaroslavp's comment.


    Recently I noticed that sometimes picture does not refresh after successful classification. I answer yes/no for question "Do you want to discuss object" and nothing happens - page seems to be frozen. Obviously I cannot submit classification again, as buttons seem to be deactivated. However I found that all such classifications appear in the system in my "recent classifications".
    I suspected my network connection, but it is no that bad and "pings" are usually around 100-300ms, sometimes 500-900ms. Do you also experience similar issues recently?
    EDIT: I kept classifying while running ping in terminal window, so I could see performance of my network connection. I noticed that page failed to "reload" (technically picture did not change), but there was no problem with my network in the same time.

    I have the same problem.

    It was a bug due to the CANDELS images being completed. It is now fixed.
    Sorry about the troubles.


  • v3nom by v3nom

    Cool, thanks. Interface is very responsive today!


  • v3nom by v3nom

    I found another bug. Tutorial is missing examples in the spiral galaxy section (number of arms step).

    In order to reproduce:

    1. Select spiral galaxy
    2. Go to the step where you count arms
    3. Click help

    This is how page looks like at the moment:


  • v3nom by v3nom

    Sorry, just another bug, quite annoying, but simple to fix. CSS is causing image to stretch in the collection view.

    Steps to reproduce:

    1. Go to and click any trending keyword at the bottom of the page
    2. Click "Collections" and click any collection

    Top image is stretched, but should be square IMHO.

    Problem is in below CSS:

    .asset-large {
    float: left;
    width: 580px;
    height: 290px;

    Width should be replaced with:
    width: 290px;

    EDIT: Why talks create such a huge gas between lines? It is difficult to read...


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Messages have the wrong timestamps. It looks as if all the old messages, sent/received before the Upgrade, have had their timestamps defaulted to the time of the Upgrade.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Talk interpreter treats the hash character within a URL as a hashtag! And so messes up a posted link. Making it quite difficult to go to that URL (you certainly can't click on it!).

    This is particularly annoying as the URLs for GZ forum posts contain hashtags (as do plenty of other, perfectly legitimate, URLs).


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I noticed that about messages too.

    Does the hashtag still break the link if you use the hyperlink button?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    There is no hyperlink button in the 140 char.messages


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Does the hashtag still break the link if you use the hyperlink button?

    Let's see ... elizabeth's recent GZ forum post, in A thread to talk about Talk.

    It would seem the answer to your question is "Yes, it does" ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    "Recent" isn't.

    Certainly not Recent Discussions. For example, one of my Help discussions - What happened to the "RA" and "DEC" values? - is listed, with the link given to my post (the OP), and the time as "29 minutes ago". First, that's the OP, not the latest post in that discussion; second, the latest post was >40 minutes ago.

    Nor in Recent Objects. For example Image AGZ0005qat: the link (and text and zooite) refers to the OP, not the most recent post, and the timestamp is completely wrong. It says "10 minutes ago", but the OP was over 9 hours ago, and the most recent post ~8 hours ago.

    Oh and look! Talk broke the URL into pieces, because there's a hash character in it! So the interpreter is an equal opportunity destroyer, it smashes even the Upgraded Talk's own URLs. ;D

    And where's a list of smilies? ???


  • v3nom by v3nom

    Page layout does not scale to 1024x768 and page is too wide. Normally I use bigger screen, but my laptop

    Suggested fix, change CSS to:

    body {
    height: 100%;
    margin: 0;
    min-width: 1000px;


  • v3nom by v3nom

    I found minor bug on the classify page. "SDSS", "favourite" and "Invert" icons overlap "Classify" label.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    v3nom, I'm not seeing that last one on my browser. Could you list your browser and version so the developers can chase that down more easily?


  • parrish by parrish admin in response to JeanTate's comment.

    I'm not sure what problems you're having with the recent view, everything looks normal there. Timestamps are for when the comment was created if that's the confusion. Also, the recent view updates after a page reload; otherwise, browsing would be very difficult. There are a couple things we could do there do improve that though.

    Parsing hashes in links into tags is a regression bug and will be fixed.


  • parrish by parrish admin in response to v3nom's comment.

    The page will scale down to 1000px wide. If you're having CSS issues, please let us know what browser and version you're using and we'll take a look.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to parrish's comment.


    I suspect that there may be (or may have been) a lag - much smaller now - as the database worked overtime to get settled after a major change.

    Anyway, as you've still got some major things still to do, I'll leave this one for now, and check it again a couple of days after the other major upgrades (etc) have been completed.


  • v3nom by v3nom in response to vrooje's comment.

    Hi Vrooje,

    You might not be able to reproduce problem, if you work on machine with bigger screen/resolution than my laptop.

    Hi Parrish,

    To be honest, do not do that just for me. W3 says that 10% of users have 1024x768 displays. On the other hand claims 20%, so it is safe to assume that it is still in use.

    Removing or changing min-width should not affect page layout anyway. Definitely it will not affect majority of users with bigger screens. Usually I use 24" Acer screen, but now I do not have access to it, that is why I have a chance to test page ๐Ÿ˜‰

    My browser is latest Firefox.


  • v3nom by v3nom in response to vrooje's comment.

    I might have spotted another bug. I am following this discussion (and few others) and so far I got no single mail with updates. Is it expected? How this tool works? Is is something similar to "Watch this topic" in old talks?


  • arfon by arfon in response to v3nom's comment.

    We're likely a week or so away from having these notifications back (via email). Instead there's now a dedicated view for the conversations that you're following:



  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Edit - the link in cyan at the top right of a post of your own (next to Remove) - doesn't work.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    GZ4 ObjIds, e.g. AGZ000289a, shows as cyan (and is a live link/URL) in Preview, but not in the post (after you hit Submit).


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Examine/SkyServer/Explore/NED/etc. links seem to be available only for newly posted objects


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    No way to create a link/URL to a specific post in a thread discussion, or even a page in any such. So it's difficult (impossible?) to reference a specific post, except by Responding to it (and that only works within the discussion it's in).


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Scratch that, it seems to work just fine now ... but you have to click on the image, to get the relevant "subjects" page; there's no data/link to GZ Examine if the image of the subject is in a discussion (a.k.a. thread), i.e. if it is the subject of a discussion, not the subject of a subject, if you know what I mean ๐Ÿ˜‰


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Hmm. I got to this page by clicking this link: -- which seems to reference a specific post. Not quite sure how to discover what that is for individual posts, however.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to vrooje's comment.

    Yes, you can always get to the latest post in a thread discussion, by clicking on the relevant link in the summary page (one level up).

    In the old Talk, you could specify the number of posts per page, so with a bit of fiddling (and setting that number to 1), you could create a URL that pointed to exactly the post you wanted. And in the Updated Talk, you can easily enough create a link to the (top of) any page, by truncating the link in your post after "page=12" for example:


  • v3nom by v3nom

    I got access to my big 24" screen and I still can see horizontal scrollbar here in talks. Browser occupies roughly 66% of the screen, as I do not need bigger window. It is big enough, but I still can see horizontal scrollbar ๐Ÿ˜‰

    Guys, is it really that difficult to fix? As I remember I already provided fix for it. Do you have your UI code stored in GIT? I could fork it, fix and make a pull request if necessary you lazy bastards ๐Ÿ˜‰



  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Strange bug: The discussion boards version of the top level menu, under Help has Help and then Help (somewhat odd, but the meaning is fairly clear).
    Then there's this:

    "Last post 3 hours ago by Edd SCIENTIST"

    If you mouse-over the time, you get "June 3 2013 6:50 AM" (a BIG thank you parrish!)

    But clicking on Help brings you a page with no corresponding indication of such a post by Edd.

    And clicking on Edd (in the higher-level menu), it seems Edd has not posted here for ~5 months!

    So, did Edd post something, only to later delete it (and Talk didn't do all the updating correctly)?

    Or did a spamster manage to hack into Talk, and create a fake (phantom) post by Edd, that shows up nowhere except on that high level menu?

    Or ...


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Search is not working? Or takes some time to index new things?

    I created a new discussion - This is a tset - at June 3 2013 11:03 AM. It cannot - yet - be found with Search. How long does it normally take?

    Update: Search found this post, less than a minute ago, but not the discussion mentioned in it!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Initial hashtag makes comments large in Talk is the title of a recent discussion by NotThatGuy. It's pretty self-explanatory, but it's not here, in the Interface bugs thread, so I wrote this post so that it would be.

    Update: I've subsequently found this behavior twice, both in comment discussions on Objects, here, and here. So it may be that somehow, somewhere in Object Comments, the <b> tag was set, and it's affecting all new comments?

    Weird, the 'bold' HTML tag is between those special 'code' quote marks, but it doesn't display!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    ~8 hours' later, still the same result. Strangely a word - "slithy" - I used in the title of a thread I almost immediately deleted (Removed) shows up, with a link to a different thread/discussion in which I mentioned (and linked to) that (now removed) thread. Yet I wrote that post merely a few minutes' ago ("June 3 2013 7:05 PM").



  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    In a recent comment on a very cool galaxy, I had this problem myself. By entering </b> - that's the HTML tag /b - in a following comment, it seemed to go away. But a subsequent comment, beginning with a hashtag, reproduced (or brought back) the bug.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    I deliberately began a recent 'discuss this?' comment with a hashtag (here). No weird bolding. Maybe the problem has been fixed? If so, Development Team, please let us know!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    This still seems to be the status: Search finds things in Help, and things from before the Upgrade, but not anything else.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Not sure if this has been noted before or not, but if it has, it's certainly still a bug!

    The standard symbols for "less than" and "greater than" cannot be written normally (the GZ Talk interpreter tries to make them into HTML tags). Fair enough.

    However, they cannot even be written inside "code"! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Here's what you get when you try:

    "less than": <

    "greater than": >

    See, everything between the first (ASCII 60) and second (ASCII 62) characters has disappeared, even though these are within 'code'. Why? Because, even though they're inside 'code', the GZ Talk interpreter still thinks they're the markers for an HTML tag.


  • mrmule by mrmule

    I would like to change my password, I do not see on your site where I can do this, thank you.


  • fatha731 by fatha731 in response to mrmule's comment.

    Go to your profile here on GZ Talk and then click on your image (top left). You will be asked for username and password (you current ones) and after that I think it's pretty easy to find the rest. Hope this helps.


  • alwarren56 by alwarren56

    @JeanTate: if you want to use the less than symbol, try using the html entity name instead like this: <

    (that's &lt;)

    See this page for a list -


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to alwarren56's comment.


    Let's see now ...

    &lt; gives: <

    &gt; gives: >

    And linking this to ASCII:

    &#60; gives: <

    &#62; gives: >

    Terrific! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • fatha731 by fatha731

    I have a problem with some posts but it's in the forum... Where do I post my question?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I'd make a new thread. And if nobody answers, just send a pm to arfon (our tech lead)


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    i want to report that when you are looking at an object and it has 3 collections it belongs to - (not sure if this is a bug or not) - the page buttons appear like
    <prev | 1 | next>
    even though there are only 3, not the 4 needed to have 2 pages






  • MikeOborn by MikeOborn in response to arfon's comment.

    I am probably doing something wrong but every time I make comments on a new image and then click on the Return... link, I end up with a new tab open in Internet Explorer. Hence I give up after half a dozen new tabs to clear my interface.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi MikeOborn

    The Zooniverse and IE are not the best of friends. It is better to use Chrome or Firefox.

    Hope this helps


  • disentombed by disentombed

    When I add object to my Favorites it's duplicated. If I delete one of them, both of them disappear. Someone know how to fix it?


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I have that problem, too. I reported it in bugs on the forums a while ago, but it was overlooked. Could someone help us?


  • KWillett by KWillett scientist, admin, translator

    You're right, @disentombed and @planetaryscience. I'll forward this to the developers. Can you tell me what browser and operating system you're each using for Galaxy Zoo?


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I'm using Firefox- and my operating system is Windows Vista.


  • Carusalem by Carusalem

    I can't take any of those quiz things on my profile, on either Firefox or Chrome. The button just does absolutely nothing.


  • bedardp by bedardp in response to arfon's comment.

    How do I change my password ?

    Lately I realized my password schemes to various sites were deeply flawed, with so many sites leaking passwords and personal info by the millions every week.
    So I've undertaken to change all my passwords everywhere.
    Now it seems the function doesn't even exist here; am I right ?



  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to bedardp's comment.

    Hi Pierre,

    Go to the zooniverse homepage and log in. Top right you now see 'Signed in as 'username'. Click on this and go to 'my account'. There you can change your password.

    Happy hunting !



  • bedardp by bedardp in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Thanks Elisabeth,

    It worked, password now changed...

    But I had some problems trying to log out from Zooniverse:
    When I hover the pointer on the "Signed in as 'username'"
    the menu items Projects/accounts/logout are displayed,
    but as soon as I move the pointer down, the menu choices disappear ???

    Only when I drag the "Signed in as xxxxx" area down onto the menu items
    am I able to click on "Logout Confirm"

    I'm on the latest version (26) of Firefox, under the latest version of Linux/Ubuntu (13.10)

    Any clues ?



  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience in response to bedardp's comment.

    I suggest you eat a carrot, and if the problem doesn't go away, consult your doctor.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to bedardp's comment.

    Yes, that happens to me too. I guess we'll have to live with that ! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I'm not sure if everyone get it usually, but the "view raw data in different wavelengths" doesn't work when I click on it.

    It will select just as regular, but nothing will happen, leaving the 'pressed button' animation but no interface.

    Is there any way to fix that?


  • bedardp by bedardp in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Thanks for your reply confirming the problem is not specific to my own setup.

    Isn't there a webmaster here ?
    Some kind of tech support that could pick-up on clues about potential problem with the website ?

    If so, I would also suggest they switch to HTTPS protocol.
    With HTTP, all passwords go out in the clear over the internet...
    So anybody using the same password to access to any other site should be a at least a little worried. ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  • tatiweb by tatiweb

    sometimes i get 2 galaxies presented and dont know about wich one i have to add data


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to tatiweb's comment.

    Hi tatiweb and welcome to the Zoo ! ๐Ÿ˜„

    Always classify the object in the center of the image !

    happy hunting !


  • tenmoku by tenmoku

    I do not manage to answer the last question of the classification, everything jams, no action is possible on the page.


  • Pseudology by Pseudology

    The link under profile to take a quiz is not working, at least for me. Its clickable but doesn't do anything.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I think the quizzes got taken offline a long time a go (sorry)


  • Hahcooshuhushdunah by Hahcooshuhushdunah

    Hi, I haven't been here since late last year and never had a problem. Now today I have tried for an hour or two to do some Galaxy classifications, but the interface is acting very strange, The only way to get the page to advance to the next question is you have to click the next icon almost immediately or the interface ignores me. The only way to get past a page that won't respond is to refresh the page which closes out the galaxy I was trying to classify. Restart wouldn't work, Examples didn't work. SDSS didn't work either. If you are able to answer and click in time to advance to the next question, by the time you are able to absorb what you are now seeing, the interface locks up again. I tried to find a help page but there is none. I searched the site for about ten or fifteen minutes for a contact page or link but there are none. It was just by luck that I looked here as a last resort. I just tried the preview button and it doesn't work for me either.


  • Hahcooshuhushdunah by Hahcooshuhushdunah

    To get these comments to enter I had to copy the original, as the page would not submit the comment, and quickly paste it in and hit the Submit_Button or the inteface ignores me. I use the latest Firefox and WinXP.


  • Hahcooshuhushdunah by Hahcooshuhushdunah

    I am done.... Nothing is working for me here!


  • jonathanstcroix by jonathanstcroix

    when I try to classify I'm in the middle of a galaxy and then the buttons no longer work and I need to refresh for it to work.


  • REX666 by REX666

    Hmm first the final do you want to discuss this button stopped working and now I just get a black empty screen under classify. I haven't changed browser or done anything to settings at all since I started using the site.


  • dlpartner by dlpartner

    Broken again. Both Firefox and Chrome not responding. Began yesterday for me, you can log out and try again but you're presented with the same three images and for me it stops responding when you reach the "do you want to discuss this" question on image number three, then none of the buttons respond.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi everybody,

    I've alerted the powers that be. Hope it gets sorted soon.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Hi all,

    Is this still a problem? Rob and I have both tried classifying and can't replicate this. Will also contact the other developers, but if it's still broken please let us know!



  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Ah! I've just heard from the developers and apparently this has to do with the fact that the classifications for UKIDSS are nearly finished, so as it's finishing the server is sometimes reaching for data that's just been retired, so it comes up empty-handed. A fix is in progress, but even if you just keep clicking (and possibly refreshing) this will resolve itself very soon.

    It doesn't seem like it was that long ago that we started with the UKIDSS data -- that classification speed is really impressive! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ



  • parrish by parrish admin in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    That's my fault. There was a bug that caused the UKIDSS data to not activate correctly.

    It should be fixed now if you refresh your browser. Sorry for the trouble!


  • parrish by parrish admin in response to vrooje's comment.

    Yeah, I accidentally missed that there was still data waiting to be activated. It's around halfway done at the moment.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to parrish's comment.

    Ah, okay -- that makes sense, and on the plus side it also means there are more awesome UKIDSS galaxies to look at! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Yeay ! Thanks !


  • Regina_Bittencourt by Regina_Bittencourt

    The system does not recognize my user id as a valid one on another computer. Neither recognizes my email. My user is Regina Bittencourt and the mail I received mails there inviting me to other zoo project, but when I try to enter it says the user does not exists. At the same time, I keep classifying galaxys as usual. Best regards, r


  • Regina_Bittencourt by Regina_Bittencourt

    PS. My Volunteer number is 919.820. Regina


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Regina, Did you try to clear your cache and cookies ? Also, what browser are you using .?


  • Regina_Bittencourt by Regina_Bittencourt

    I use Mozilla or Internet Explorer. Either of them. Should I use one in particular?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    IE and the zooniverse are not the best of friends, so I'd suggest using Firefox. Are you still having problems ?


  • Regina_Bittencourt by Regina_Bittencourt

    Well Thanks a lot Elisabeth !!! on Mozilla worked ok. I have been following part of your job and thaks a lot!!! itยดs great when we have answers with our questions !!!! Best regards, Regina


  • ptwilson by ptwilson

    Hi, a bug ... whenever I agree to complete a quiz, nothing happens. I've tried this from a quiz prompt that appears now and then, and also from the button on the profile page. I've tried this on three up-to-date browsers - Firefox, Chrome and IE.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I think the quizzes have disappeared from the Zoo ! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    The "Message" icon, an envelope, used to change from dull grey to white when there was an unopened PM, in any v2 Talk.

    It seems to have stopped working; I have received several PMs but the icon remained dull grey. Not limited to GZ Talk, the same behavior in all the v2 Talks where I hang out.


  • elliemyhero by elliemyhero

    I am having some trouble with the quizzes. I have tried clicking the "take quiz now" button but nothing ever happens. Just now I got a pop-up that said something along the lines on "You agreed to take short quizzes, can you take one now?" and I clicked "Yes" and nothing happened. Not sure if it's something in my preference settings or a glitch in the online program.


  • lauradragomir by lauradragomir

    Hi there,

    I have been asked several times to participate in a sort of survey or quiz, but once I press Yes, nothing has happened 3 or 4 times...normal situation?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    It looks like the quizzes have stopped working ! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • DNiergarth by DNiergarth

    I'm afraid that the "quiz" prompt has popped up a few times in my screen and when I click on it it only dissapears. Just now I went into my profile where it asks if I wanted to again take a quiz, this time it did nothing at all. So just be advised, I am perfectly willing but an unable to take this quiz.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to DNiergarth's comment.

    We are aware of the problem - there is a separate thread dedicated to it, and it is being looked into ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Thank-you for taking the time to let us know!


  • molignol by molignol

    In my profile the quiz button doesn't work. Also only favourites is shown I can't find my other collection uless I click on a picture in profile that is in the collection and then it brings it up


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience in response to molignol's comment.

    Quizzes were a temporary study that has already been completed- also go to your talk profile and scroll down to the bottom to see your collections. If you don't see anything at the bottom of your talk profile, tell us.


  • molignol by molignol

    Thank you


  • sisifolibre by sisifolibre

    I can not see the examples in the section about the central bulge


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to sisifolibre's comment.

    They seem to be there for me - do you get a pop up?


  • sisifolibre by sisifolibre in response to Capella05's comment.

    sorry for my english

    Not unusual pop ups appear, only the normal window of help like in other sections, the only diference i see the help text in Spanish (my selected lenguage), and classifications of types of bulge, but I can't see examples
    In each other exaples i can see all the images, only this one seems buged
    Anyway is not serious and less if it only happens to me ๐Ÿ˜ƒ, i will let an image capture in the forum if the problem persist


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to sisifolibre's comment.

    If you can get a image capture that will really help us ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    For a while I'd had a glitch where if I post a comment in talk, and without refreshing try to edit it that the 'save comment' button doesn't work when I click it, but it appears to be fixed now.


  • shinobisam by shinobisam

    The image does not show when i try to classify a galaxy, and when I try to open the image in a new tab it says the site is not found.
    Please Help!


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I'm getting an unusual bug that the images of certain galaxies will not load. I've looked though them to see a pattern but can't really find any. They just appear to randomly be disappearing.


  • Tiger_Nova by Tiger_Nova

    I seem to be having the same problem that some images are missing in both classifying and discussion pages.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to Tiger Nova's comment.

    Yes, I am getting this problem as well ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Yes, we seem to be having a bit of a slow time performance-wise... the developers do know about it but I'm not quite sure how long it will take to fix. Apologies in the meantime and hopefully it doesn't get too slow to be useful.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to vrooje's comment.

    Thanks Brooke!


  • Tiger_Nova by Tiger_Nova

    All images are being shown again ๐Ÿ˜ƒ Nice work.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Messages notification icon is not working ... I have unread (unopened) Messages, but my icon is grey, indicating that I have none.

    For the record, this is not the first time this has happened; but I haven't detected a pattern (it seems to happen randomly).


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to JeanTate's comment.

    A known bug, it got introduced when the fix for the 'Empty Title' got released.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Capella05's comment.

    Thanks. I always helps to know.

    What's the status and estimated date for a fix, may I ask?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Jean, does it show how many messages you have but stay grey? Or does it not show the number of messages?

    Mine stays grey but does show a number, though it sometimes takes a few moments for it to show up after a message arrives, and to disappear after I've read/responded.

    I'm not sure what the estimated date for a fix is.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I've got six supposedly unread messages. After checking them it appears for all of them there is no subject/title. Somehow that prevents the message from being opened and it stays 'unread'


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to vrooje's comment.

    It's grey, with no hint of any unread Messages.

    I have at least three unread Messages, at least one of which is a 'no Title' one.

    it sometimes takes a few moments for it to show up after a message arrives, and to disappear after I've read/responded

    That happens to me too; my Messages icon has been grey from at least the time I wrote the bug report (July 11 2014 5:32 PM). The day before - or perhaps longer; I'm not keeping good track of time in the flurry of things I have to do to handle the death of the GZ forum - it showed I had unread Messages (2, I think, but it may have been more).

    @Els: I have had 'no Title' Messages which I could read, and ones I couldn't. Once opened/read, they decremented the 'unread' count. However, there's been at least one that's always there (I have never been able to read, or open, it) ... yet the Messages icon sometimes turns grey, for no apparent reason (even when I have genuinely unread Messages, of the 'with Title' kind).


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Interesting. As far as I know I don't have any no-title messages, and my notification seems to work. I wonder if it's the fact of the remnant no-title messages that are causing the issue... assuming @ElisabethB is having the same issue?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to vrooje's comment.

    The notification works for me. Everytime I have a new message it says 7 for instance. It is the six messages without a title that remain 'unread'.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    And, I don't think the 'Empty Tltle' bug has been fixed ๐Ÿ˜ฆ I got one today,


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    I have sent 198 messages to myself , most from SpaceWarps lists of lenses, and now I can't delete them! So when I look in my "new messages" I have to look for a number greater than 198.


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to Budgieye's comment.

    Is there a why to delete them after you have read them? I wonder it tends to be a bit distracting. Thanks Liz


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to elizabeth's comment.

    Oh dear just found my answer on: How do I: Get The Most out of Talk? (aka a Talk Tutorial) Step 5: Sending / Reading PM's
    and we can't delete them either. I wonder why not?


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s

    Hmmm! I see the sdss DR8 is not working at the moment. any one else have this problem? DR7 working just fine.


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    You mean Skyserver. Dr8 working OK for me. Better now?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to elizabeth's comment.

    Deleting pm's is on the to do list for the next update !

    Wow Christine : 198 ! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Oh cool! It would be nice to have the option.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I found out recently that the functionality to delete PMs already exists, but somehow the actual button to do so was forgotten when the site was designed!

    I discovered this while the developers were visiting Oxford; they've just gotten back to Chicago now so I'll remind them this coming week that this would be a worthwhile and hopefully easy fix. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator in response to vrooje's comment.

    This actually made me laugh ! ๐Ÿ˜„


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to vrooje's comment.

    Wow - excellent news Brooke!

    My message folder is under serious strain with all the messages! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator in response to elizabeth's comment.

    Ooops, I didn't mean delete, though that might be useful. I meant that even though I read them, they are still listed as 198 unread messages.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    I've been meaning to report this, um, odd behavior for a while ... it happens apparently randomly, but also fairly often. Here's my description:

    Start with Talk opened in Boards. Down the right-hand side you see, against each of the (currently) seven Boards "Last post {time} ago by {zooite}".

    Click on any Board, and you'll see something similar, except that a) any stickied threads (not Boards, or sub-Boards*) appear at the top, and b) the (non-stickied) threads are in chronological order (most recent at the top).

    Mostly, the "Last post {time} ago by {zooite}" at the Boards (top) level accurately reflects the same thing at the individual Board (lower) level; the most recent post is the same.

    Sometimes, however, it's not.

    Of course, if it's "a few seconds ago", then that's understandable; however, I've often noticed an out-of-sync condition where the difference in time-stamps is hours (e.g. "Last post" displayed at one level is "2 hours ago" say, and at the other it's "13 hours ago"). There are at least two different kinds:

    1. Boards (top) level does not recognize a more recent post which shows at the Board level
    2. Boards (top) level indicates a post which does not exist (timestamp/zooite) at the Board level.

    There's one of the latter kind right now^: "Last post 18 minutes ago by Budgieye moderator" in Help (Boards level), but "Last post 4 hours ago by Capella05 moderator" is the most recent in Help Board/Help. In this case, there is, in fact, a "Last post 18 minutes ago by Budgieye moderator" (it's in the Interface Bugs thread).

    *we don't have any (yet), and I don't know if they are even possible

    ^timestamp immediately after I clicked on Submit: July 13 2014 2:48 PM


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    And I've noticed errors with the hashtag interface. Often when I look for a particular hashtag, the given results are often far less than the amount of hashtagged objects.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    I have noticed this too, but as I didn't investigate it carefully (at the time), I put it down to misperception, or perhaps to not fully understanding what I was getting.

    Can you give some specific examples (even just one)?


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    I've been hashtagging the 100th, 200th, 300th, 400th, 500th, etc galaxies to enter my collections, and I have 10 collections that have exceeded 100 objects, but when I look up #100th I only find 6 results.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    OK, here's an experiment: I just clicked the link (hashtag), and also got six. Are they the same six? What's an example of one that's hashtagged (hashtaged?) but not one of the six (or up to 12, if they're not the same)?


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    the following 100th object for each collection:

    I knew doing this would come in handy (eventually).


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to planetaryscience's comment.


    To rule out one far-out - but still feasible - source, I checked each of the nine on your list, and can confirm that each does, in fact, contain that hashtag.

    Further, clicking on the hashtag - at least in the three that you marked "(not included)" - brings up the same list of six.

    If there are, indeed ~100 objects with this hashtag, it suggests that there is a serious database problem, one that could make doing research using hashtags very difficult indeed (if that research includes, even indirectly, either reliability or completeness (or both)).

    With your permission, I'll add that hashtag to a post in a discussion (not a comment! you can't edit comments), to see if it gets picked up. Once we're done, I'll delete it (by editing the post), so as to not mess up your collection.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    Just to note, I don't have ~100 objects with the hashtag. There are only those given 9 that I've added, and probably the only 9 that there are. Also, as far as I know you can edit comments- at the bottom right of a comment you posted, if you mouse over it, is the option 'Edit' and 'Remove'. You can guess what those both do.

    Also, if you notice I've already put the same hashtag a few comments up in this discussion, and it still hasn't registered.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist in response to vrooje's comment.

    Update: You should now be able to delete PMs. I've tested it and it seems to work fine!

    Many thanks to @parrish for taking the time to do this. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to vrooje's comment.

    A word of warning..

    If you try to delete a single pm, within a 'Thread of PM's' it will delete them all.

    Just FYI, if you are interested ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    My PM box is now heaving a massive sight of relief! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    Personally I've never seen a need to delete PMs, but I thank you nevertheless for the added functionality. ๐Ÿ˜„


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    Well, I guess you don't have 5000+ pm's in your inbox, so you may never notice the time delay ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Edited to add: This is not a challenge. I am just stating the facts.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    Even if I did take that as a challenge, I couldn't imagine how I could possibly get that many PMs. ๐Ÿ˜›


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    I have very chatty friends!


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to Capella05's comment.

    ๐Ÿ˜ƒ I just realized that I have 2 years worth most of them on thisTalk. A question here these messages do not go to my e-mail account do they? At least I don't remember seeing any there. Was that or was that not an option here? Thanks Liz Oh and the message count Up top right says I have 10?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to elizabeth's comment.

    No, we don't get email notifications for new messages (or any messages!) here- but that will hopefully change in the next version of Talk!


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to Capella05's comment.

    Good to Know thanks. also while does it take so long for talk to post messages sent and response? For example I have sent you a PM recently and it does not show up at all? I know I sent it and know you answered it but It does not show up? Do you know why?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    It is a 'cache' issue ๐Ÿ˜ฆ

    You need to refresh the page for changes to become visible. Sometimes pages need a prod! ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to Capella05's comment.

    sorry I have refresh and refresh many times but nothing changes


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    It should be there - I still have the messages in my 'inbox' ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    While on the topic of issues that we've noticed but hadn't taken action about, here's another bug report:

    If I go to my profile, go to the recent comments section, and click 'load more' and then go to one of the comments, and then go back to my profile using the back button, it un-loads the 'load more' section, and when I click the button it loads what would have otherwise been the 2nd page down.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    While on the topic of issues that we've noticed but hadn't taken action about, here's another bug report:

    Well, to be honest, I do not think that many people feel the need to review their own posts once posted (in particular an older post)- so it is unlikely to be fixed soon.

    Posting is optional, after all!


  • elizabeth_s by elizabeth_s in response to Capella05's comment.

    Well it is not nor any of the messages I have sent out recently uses the pm's here on talk. July 15th I have sent more and got replies but they do not show up. They always have in the past.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to elizabeth's comment.

    ... and got replies but they do not show up. They always have in the past.

    This 'I don't get notified of PMs' bug is an old one, and for me it's the default status; if I see unread PMs (the envelope icon, in white, etc), I now think this is abnormal.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    This may be related to what I think is a feature, not a bug; hitting the 'go back' button takes you back to a much earlier state.

    For example, suppose you've finally found what you want, in the 14th post of a 38 page thread, you click the post, read it, and realize it's not what you want. So, perhaps it's on the next page; you click 'go back', thinking you'll go back to page 14 ... but you end up on page 1! Worse, you weren't expecting this, and you hadn't noted that it was page 14 you were on ...

    The particular bug you describe happens - in my experience - whenever you 'load more', and then 'go back' (i.e. not just from Profile). Worse, it seems, very often, clicking the 'load more' button brings up completely new things, not the page x ones you were looking at, but some others! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Capella05's comment.

    I think it will mostly affect the people who are trying to do more with GZT than simply comment on an image they, or someone else, classified; looking into, researching, investigating, testing, those sorts of things are activities which the bug planetaryscience describes adversely affect. And those activities are just as much part of the doing of science as is commenting on the classifications of others.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience in response to JeanTate's comment.

    That was what I was describing. The scenario you describe sounds like something that might be a feature, but it doesn't appear to be.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience

    another couple errors- first, if you make a collection for hashtags with over 500 objects associated with them, it will only show the first 500 objects according to their galaxy zoo ID (ex. AGZ0001x3n would come before AGZ00043ta) Second, when looking at the included collections for an object, you can only have at maximum 16 collections for it. Otherwise the collection will not appear in the list and the object (not confirmed) may be deleted from the given collection.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to planetaryscience's comment.

    I've begun an experiment on this.

    First, I added the hashtag #smashed to the AGZ objects I've posted in the Shredded (smashed) galaxies: post and discuss them here! thread (those that I know, anyway). I then waited several hours (~seven). Then I used Search, on this new hashtag; I got 14 results. This includes all (I think) those I used the hashtag on, plus at least one which uses the word "smashed" but not the hashtag ( AGZ0007d5s) and the "Shredded" thread itself (Search does not return links to posts, just the thread in which a post containing the searched word can be found).

    The most curious result is what happened when I clicked on the hashtag link in the top right, under Tags : just three results (I tried AGZ0003yav; I'll see what happens when I choose an object not among the three)! ๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    I'll see what happens after ~24 hours, say.


  • planetaryscience by planetaryscience in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Interesting results. I think an important study would be to find what % of recorded hashtags are shown.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to JeanTate's comment.

    I'll see what happens after ~24 hours, say.

    A bit more than 24 hours, and the results are the same:

    • 15 results from Search on #smashed

    • 10 AGZ objects/images that do have this hashtag

    • 3 threads which include the hashtag or the word (not hashtag) smashed

    • 2 AGZ objects/images with the word (not hashtag) smashed

    • clicking on the link smashed, under Tags in any AGZ object/image which includes the hashtag:

    • same 3 AGZ objects/images ( AGZ00016lb, AGZ0001key, AGZ0003s7l), no matter from which AGZ object/image the link is clicked

    [planetaryscience] I think an important study would be to find what % of recorded hashtags are shown.


    However the interim conclusion seems clear: if you want to find all the AGZ objects/images with a particular hashtag, you'd better use Search. However, this will also give you every (?) such AGZ object/image where the word is used, not the hashtag.

    I'll write a feedback note on this.


  • AZooKeeper0001 by AZooKeeper0001

    I didn't read through all these so this might be a duplicate.

    On Firefox 32 and earlier, the survey never starts no matter which button I choose. I have turned off popups and it still doesn't work. I want to do the survey because it says I could win a gift certificate.



  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to AZooKeeper0001's comment.

    It is a known bug, that has been reported by a few users ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    The survey was an old feature that was disabled some time ago, but there still seems to be some legacy code that refers to it.

    Not too sure if / when it will get fixed.


  • Laural by Laural in response to arfon's comment.

    Classification example box is partially obscured


  • DZM by DZM admin

    Hi @Laural , could you perhaps post a screenshot of what you're referring to?

    You can upload it to a file-hosting site like

    Thank you!


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Not a bug, but a flow chart problem in the classification tree. I "Can't tell" how many clumps there are, because the galaxy is a grey smudge with no clumps, then asked "Do the clumps appear in a straight line, a chain, or a cluster?"


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    I suppose in that case it's worth classifying the overall shape... but can you post an example? I don't understand why you'd click "yes" to mostly clumpy if the galaxy is a grey smudge with no clumps?


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    If we're posting flowchart 'problems' here, I would like to sugest that the classification for a 'just noticable' bulge should be reintroduced, because this galaxy doesn't have an obvious bulge, but it does have a bulge:

    (ps, also, the image feature doesn't seem to be working anymore)


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    Also, when I classify a galaxy as clumpy, I don't get the question about the bulge anymore. Is that deliberate?


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    Another one: I think the question "Does the galaxy have a mostly clumpy appearance?" is misleading. The folowing galaxy is not 'mostly clumpy' but it does have a clump:


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    The clumpy question is a separate "branch" on the question tree, so while you're there (if you said "yes" to the mostly-clumpy question) you won't get asked about a bulge specifically. But you will get asked whether there's a brightest clump, and if so, whether it's central to the galaxy, which is a similar question physically.

    There will be a lot of galaxies where it's hard to decide whether you think a galaxy is "mostly clumpy" or whether it's more like a bulge with a barely detected disk around it (which is what I might say about the example above), or similar. But that's why we ask multiple people the same questions about the same galaxy -- when the answer is intrinsically unclear there will be less agreement, so we can still learn a lot about the galaxy whether or not people all give the same answer.

    I definitely see your point about the "just noticeable" bulge question, too, but actually there is very clear evidence from our past projects that when people have 4 choices for the bulge question they ignore one of the end choices (people want to have a "middle" choice, it seems). So when we had 4 choices almost nobody ever used "dominant", and there was a lot of disagreement between "just noticeable" and "obvious" as well. So we narrowed it down to 3 choices. If it helps, you can think of "obvious" as the same as "noticeable but not dominant" -- which I think your above example might fit. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso in response to vrooje's comment.

    Hi vrooje, thanks for clarifying. I recognize what you're saying about the bulge question too. I almost never chose dominant ๐Ÿ˜ƒ
    In fact, after reading your explanation I might have to redefine my understanding of an obvious and dominant bulge.


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    I notice that sometimes I don't get asked if there's anything odd. Instead I get the question if it's a merger, tidal, both or neither. This is strange, because in some of these images there is something strange. Is there any reason for this?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to dj tjitso's comment.

    As far as I know that is correct for the CANDALS images - as mentioned in the blog post:

    The main reason that these are being included is to help us get data measuring the effect of brightness and imaging depth for your crowdsourced classifications. While they arenโ€™t always as visually stunning as nearby SDSS or HST images, getting accurate data is really crucial for the science we want to do on high-redshift objects, and so we hope youโ€™ll give the new images your best efforts.

    Emphansis mine - the 'something odd' classification option might not be necessary in this scenario


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    Ok, that makes sense. Thanks.


  • dindon by dindon

    When I go to my profile it says "0 Hubble, 0 SDSS, 0 UKIDSS" classifications. Which seems odd because I've classified a bunch of galaxies.

    Also, not so much a bug as a UI nitpick: at the top of the Classify view, I see: SDSS, Favourite, Invert. They have the same visual treatment, but whereas Favourite and Invert are buttons, SDSS seems to just be a label? When I started classifying, I kept trying to click it and was confused as to why nothing was happening.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to dindon's comment.

    Hi dindon,

    Those references are to specific surveys that we have done in the past. They do not get updated now - we have raised it as a bug, but it might take a while to fix...

    If you want to view the number of classifications you have done, please have a look at your Zooniverse profile - link - btw, you might be prompted to logon.

    'SDSS' is the name of the survey that the image you are currently classifying is part of - it is not interactive. It is a bit misleading, and you are not the first person to complain.

    Sorry I cant do more to help ๐Ÿ˜ฆ


  • dindon by dindon

    I tagged this galaxy with #lobes. Because #elephantears would have been just silly.

    When I click that tag, I see "0 results". Which is especially weird because I know I tagged another galaxy with the same tag a day or two ago.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to dindon's comment.

    Search has always been buggy - it will hopefully be fixed in the next version of Talk ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    If you would keep track of intresting objects you have classified, I would suggest starting a collection - Instructions in this discussion ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • DZM by DZM admin in response to Capella05's comment.

    It definitely will be a load better. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ


  • chairgaf by chairgaf

    I am getting my galaxies to classify coming up with the invert function on. what might be going wrong?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to chairgaf's comment.

    That is not a bug - it is intended functionality for these single band images.

    I asked the same question a few weeks ago and this was the reply:

    From Kyle Willett ADMIN, SCIENTIST

    We went back and forth on whether inverted or default was better for
    viewing these images, and felt (by a slight majority) that inverted
    was preferable. That depends a lot on both the galaxy and individual
    preferences, though. I'm encouraging everyone to toggle back and forth
    a couple times for each galaxy and see which view is clearest for you.

    From this discussion


  • sat666leg by sat666leg

    everytime i get asked to answer any questions in galaxyzoo, i click yes, to answer them now, and then nothing happens..
    i use windows 7.. and internet explorer.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Try using Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. Galaxy Zoo works best in Chrome. Anyone have any more suggestions?


  • jara.monica by jara.monica

    Hi guys.
    I was about to select a possible lense at the SpaceWarps Project, but it doesnยดt work. I can move the pointer but it does nothing when I click in the picture. I have tried with Google Chrome Version 44.0.2403.157 m and Firefox 39.0 on an HP Laptop with an Windows 8 OS.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to jara.monica's comment.

    Hi @jara.monica ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    Space Warps is not active at the moment - the site is in the process of being configured for a relaunch. It will still be a few days yet - so I would wait for a blog post / email before beginning to classify ๐Ÿ˜ƒ

    I think having it on the active project list on the Zooniverse is an error.

    Edit: I have contacted the PI for Space Warps - awaiting a reply!


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to jara.monica's comment.

    Heard back from the Scientists @SpaceWarps here

    Thanks for letting us know about the bug!


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    PM notifications - if I receive a personal messages in one Zoo, and answer from another Zoo, then the grey envelope doesn't light up and change number to tell me that I have a message waiting.


  • Benescu by Benescu

    quite same problem here, I've activated all notifications, email also, but I get nothing on none of them. I've got replies on followed chats/discussions with all notifications on, yet nothing. It's a bug or is intended?


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    Alerting @kwwillet to this thread (if he's not in here already).


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Notifications will only work on the new panoptes projects, not Galaxy Zoo. Budgie is referring to the envelope notification in the top right corner - it has not been working properly for months, and buggy since the beginning.

    Notifications on GZ Bars / Zooniverse Talk are working so well, I have had to set it too once a day.


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Since yesterday i couldn't log in for no obvious reason and contacted the Zooniverse Team about it. Later i noticed my account name displayed as Ghost_Sheep_SWR instead of Ghost Sheep SWR, so i tried the first one and here i am again ๐Ÿ˜ƒ . Zooniverse Team is now also informed about this.
    Just informing here in case anyone else experiences this bug.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Images won't post for me when using Insert Image

    the %2B changes to +

    I use Windows Vista and Chrome


    The image still won't come up.

    enter image description here

    by c_cld The + sign is %2B!

    AGZ000b0kv AGZ000b0kv

    by Budgieye

    image won't post

    so I am trying C_cld's address

    enter image description here

    Image doesn't post. The %2B has changed to + after I inserted it into Insert Image

    ht tp://

    Try posting image using IMG, use address that c_cld gave me, that works.

    IMG SRC="" WIDTH="600" (enclosed in pointy brackets)

    IMG SRC="" WIDTH="600" (enclosed in pointy brackets)

    try again, right click on image and put into IMG, well that works

    right click on image and enter into Insert Image, Image address is correct when pasted. Image address gets changed when OK is pressed, and the image does not post.

    enter image description here

    I'll try to change it by editing inside the brackets, by changing + to %2B, yes that works

    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    I can't post this image, even on a different computer - Windows 10 , Chrome

    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Trying Firefox and Windows 10, no still can't post image.

    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Re: images won't post. I can post image from wikipedia

    ![enter image description here](


    enter image description here


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    place kitten

    Okay, so place kitten works and this is just about special characters?


    Hmm... that works in preview.

    trying too

    Ah, okay.

    I don't think this is broken exactly... this is normal behavior for many browsers, and that's why the %2B is used in the first place... or %20 in the case of a space character in a file name, etc. etc. Sometimes if you put a badly-formatted filename in the address bar of the browser, the browser will format it correctly for you. Other times, not so much -- depends on the browser, I think (if I recall correctly, Safari does it, Chrome does not).


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    I am still unable to post images of galaxies without having to manually change the + to %2B. It didn't do this me until several weeks ago. @kwwillet


  • galgal by galgal

    There seems to be a bug in the Navigator feature - when I try to graph data, it only works if I select both "smooth" and "feature/disk", and every dot on the plot is the same color, so it is not registering any "feature/disk" data points even though I know there are some. This all worked fine when I used it last year. Any tips?


  • ratprincess by ratprincess

    The newest version of SDSS DR 12. I wonder whether the link from the "examine" could be updated to dr 12 as opposed to dr 9? Don't know whether it makes any difference. Thanks.


  • zysyx by zysyx

    In the Android app, there are no examples for "clumpy" galaxies- maybe a formatting issue, there is a line "yes" and a checkmark, and below that a "no" and x- but no images.


  • LaLynn by LaLynn



  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Sorry, but I have no experience with the app. Maybe if you posted something on the Zooniverse Talk page ?


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    Yes, please do - I think the developers would love to have feedback on the app!


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Here is the link to the Zooniverse Talk page


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    When I try to collect a subject it seems to just not add it to the selected collection. Only after several attempts and a good amount of time it then appears in the collection.
