Galaxy Zoo Talk

No images in classify?

  • Ptd by Ptd

    When I click classify all I get is the green Galaxy Zoo banner and three headers either side of it at the top, with a black screen below it, I waited a while in case it was a refresh rate issue, but still nothing. Am I doing something wrong?


  • dosey by dosey

    I am having the same problem Ptd. Have you sorted it yet?


  • williamaskew by williamaskew

    me too. Keep hitting refresh


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi guys,
    If I have that problem I keep hitting refresh, after a couple (or six ) times, it usually catches on again. If not, try clearing your cache and cookies. If all else fails, contact Arfon via pm
    Sorry, for not being able to help more.


  • dosey by dosey

    Thanks Elisabeth! Classify seems to be coming okay and then going again tonight!


  • bretarn by bretarn

    got the same problem, not so quickly solved eventually!


  • turelli by turelli

    same problem, plus repeated images (is GZ running out of galaxies? 😃 )
