Galaxy Zoo Talk

discuss a picture before you classify it

  • sabelleable by sabelleable

    I'm quite new so I don't know if this is the right way to adress the #science team, but would it be possible to discuss a picture BEFORE you classify it? I'm finding it strange to have to classify a picture before I can ask qestions about it. Perhaps it would be possible to temporary save an unidentified picture until your question is answered? Or simply have an option to skip pictures?
    I dont like the fact that I'm forced to answer something I don't know anything about, rather leave that to someone who does know what they're talking about.



  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    That is not how it works here.
    We are asked to classify the images purely on a visual basis.
    Just answer the questions and that is just fine.
    It worked for the previous Galaxy Zoos! 😄
    But that doesn't mean that getting to look up things after you classified it won't teach you heaps !


  • sabelleable by sabelleable

    i know, I leaned a lot in just a few days
    it's just, I don't like to be wrong


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I can understand that.
    But for some images, there isn't a correct answer. And if people were allowed to search for additional info first, they would probably tend to follow the majority and so we'd loose the weirder ones !
    For instance : if there is a galaxy where almost everyone gives a different classification, the scientists will pick that up as a galaxy that must be really weird.
    And also, lots of people will see the same image, so 'mistakes' will get ironed out !
    Just enjoy yourself !
