Galaxy Zoo Talk

Noteable inner ring

  • LaPalmaSky by LaPalmaSky

    as you can see, is the inner core pretty noteable but the outer parts are blurry.Is this common?
    Is the yellow spot a small galaxy in front of the galaxy?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to LaPalmaSky's comment.

    This is an SDSS image, and the object we're supposed to classify is the yellow blob next to (to the left of) the bright blue thingie.

    To me, this is a fairly #poorqualityimage, if only because the blue thingie isn't screamingly obvious as a star; for example, the diffraction spikes are faint. YMMV (your mileage may vary), but the galaxy is so overwhelmed by the glare of the foreground (in our own galaxy) star as to be unclassifiable.
