Galaxy Zoo Talk

One or two?

  • Grottenolm by Grottenolm

    AZG0006739: Is this one object with dust in the view or are these two separate objects, maybe colliding?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Grottenolm's comment.

    Welcome to Galaxy Zoo, Grottenolm!

    I'd say it's two separate galaxies. Here's the SDSS view (different orientation):

    enter image description here

    No, wait! I'm going to change my mind: the second SDSS galaxy is extremely faint in the UKIDSS image; the separate blob within the envelope of fuzz (blue-green in UKIDSS, yellow-orange in SDSS) could be the remnants of an all-but merged galaxy, or possibly a distant galaxy seen behind it (i.e. an #overlap). Either way, it's pretty cool, eh?

    Happy hunting! 😃
