Galaxy Zoo Talk


  • wugga6969 by wugga6969

    wow look at this can you tell me what it is


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to wugga6969's comment.

    Welcome to Galaxy Zoo, wugga6969!

    The first one (AGZ0001v01) is a very nice galaxy at the edge of a field (basically, the 'photo' did not include all of the galaxy, and for some reason the image was composed to show the part beyond the edge as black).

    The second (...56ec) is a large, and massive, globular cluster (or at least part of it!). These are roughly spherical swarms of stars (no dust, and very little gas) - balls - that are found around most galaxies (except dwarfs). The ~hundred which orbit our own galaxy are close enough that when SDSS images them the individual stars can be seen.

    Over in the forum there's a thread devoted to them, called "Globular Clusters":

    Happy hunting! 😃
