Galaxy Zoo Talk

cigar shape with green star close

  • spencerspring by spencerspring

    is the green star a nearer galaxy than the cigar


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi spencerspring and welcome to the Zoo

    The greenish/white object is a foreground star from our galaxy !


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to spencerspring's comment.

    Hi and welcome to the Zoo 😃

    The green object is a star from our own galaxy- the Milky Way.

    The reason why it looks so large in comparison to the edge-on galaxy 'the cigar' (that is made up of billions of stars), is that it is relatively close to us. Objects closer to the camera always look bigger.

    Hope this helps, and we are always here for more questions 😃

    Happy classifying! Capella.
