Galaxy Zoo Talk

Arp 220 and "The Big Bang Theory" TV show

  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    There are usually scientific equations on the whiteboards, and finally I recognized something that I understood. Arp 220 featured In "The Closure Alternative" 2013 of the "The Big Bang Theory" TV series
    Raj is an astrophysics, and in his office there are two whiteboards

    whiteboard 1has

    Arp 220 z=0.0189

    white board 2

    Herschel: 500, 300, 200 μm

    12 CO H2O

    13 CO H2O+

    ....>10 13 L☉



    three dots surrounded by three rings

    SPT - 0346

    ~30 mJ

    I can't read the numbers well, it wasn't in HD.

    enter image description here

    STF is star formation rate Wiki has information and links to recent galaxy formation, high rate of star formation, presence of some organix molecules, and a water maser.

    Maybe something like this article? Water Vapor in nearby Infrared Galaxies as Probed by Herschel


    enter image description here Arp 220 in SDSS dr10

    #arp 220 #arp220


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    A forum post about Arp220 containing lots of information about radio wave astronomy and dust in galaxies, by EigenState

    Forum: Sunday, 24 July 2011: Arp 220: Dust and Molecular Gas by EigenState " bright central region is a glowing cloud of exceedingly hot (» 106 K) gas rushing out of the galaxy, driven by a "superwind" presumed to result from explosive activity generated by the formation of hundreds of millions of new stars...spectrum of Arp 220 [2] observed over the range of 200 to 700 μm (1500 to 427 GHz) shows strong emission features from pure rotational transitions of CO and H2O; high rotational transitions of HCN in absorption; rotational transitions of the rare molecules OH+, H2O+, and HF in absorption; as well as electric-quadrupole allowed, fine structure transitions within the ground electronic states of the atomic species [CI] and [NII]"

    1. Introduction to Arp 220.
    2. Interstellar Dust.
      2.1. Extinction.
      2.2. Emission.
    3. Molecular Gas.
      3.1. Molecular Vibration.
      3.2. Molecular Rotation.
    4. Spectroscopic Investigations of Arp 220.
      4.1. Continuum Emission in Arp 220.
      4.2. Molecular Spectra in Arp 220.
    5. Conclusions.
    6. Acknowledgments.
    7. References and Notes.
