Galaxy Zoo Talk

Could this be an AGN?

  • ramberts by ramberts

    What are some key things to look for? Is there a thread that shows only known examples from AGN's?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to ramberts's comment.

    There are threads for the other surveys that we have done in the past, and I am sure Budgie will be along to post the links 😃

    As we have only been doing this version of CANDALS / GOODS for less than a week - there wont be anything yet.

    To be a confirmed AGN we would need a spectragraph, and a lot of the images have been incorrectly tagged as being AGN's without having this data. So if you did a search on the AGN hashtag, you would come up with a whole jumble of images - most of which would be incorrectly tagged objects such as stars etc... I haven't had time to clean up the AGN hash tag collection 😃

    There are a few confirmed examples in this post, but they are all SDSS images.


  • ramberts by ramberts

    Thanks, I was looking for something like that, the search was very unreliable that I looked at so yeah!


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    It is hard to recognize active galaxies in these images. We usually go by the colour difference, and these Hubble images aren't good for that.

    There are some AGN in the Galaxy Zoo Forum - Hubble Zoo. We had some access to the spectra, but most people looked on NED to see if it were on an AGN or quasar study. Quasars are usually bright enough to show up on SDSS and often have a spectrum.

    When looking on any thread or discussion, it is best to start on the last page of the thread where people have had more practice at understanding the galaxies.

    Hubble Possible AGNsPlease post galaxies that scream AGN*

    Redshift of Hubble galaxies, with spectra

    Hubble: QSO's (quasars)


  • ramberts by ramberts

    Perfect, a whole thread of a lot of possible and confirmed ones, thanks!
