Galaxy Zoo Talk

blue galaxy overlaps red galaxy, which is closer?

  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    The target galaxy is a blue spiral, and "close" at z=0.62

    1 GOODS J033234.06-273952.7 03h32m34.0s -27d39m53s G >30000 0.628900 22.6R 0.000

    The red galaxy is much further away, at z=1.11

    *COMBO-17 50682 03h32m34.1s -27d39m53s G >30000 1.111800 22.3R 0.012


    Is the blue galaxy closer to us, or to the red galaxy?

    Redshift Tool*C.cosmological+redshift-_*Formula-

    Click on Use as a Formula

    Input each redshift and press equal

    Ignoring expansion of the universe

    blue galaxy 5.85 billion light-years away, or about 40% to the edge of our observable universe

    red galaxy 8.19 billion light-years or 60% to the edge of our observable universe.

    So the galaxies are over 2 billion light-years apart.

    The blue galaxy is closer to the red galaxy, than it is to us. But it is very far away.

    Funny, but the red one looks closer, doesn't it?
