Galaxy Zoo Talk

Strange Orbit Possible Black hole?

  • AudioVerse by AudioVerse

    Stumbled upon this today what seems to be 4-5 stars or artifacts from our galaxy with 2 lighter blue colored artifacts. Now it could clearly be coincidental but i might hypothesize that they are in an orbit around a black hole? I would assume the galaxy would be too far to have that kind of pull on stars and artifacts within our own galaxy but could they be orbiting a black hole?


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    You are looking at a distant galaxy. The other objects are stars from our galaxy. They are much closer and just happen to be in the image. Nearly all galaxies have a black hole, but they don't account for more than a few percent of the pulling power. There is more information

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  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi AudioVerse and welcome to the Zoo

    The four small objects are indeed foreground stars. But their alignment is just a coincidence.

    Happy hunting ! đŸ˜„


  • AudioVerse by AudioVerse

    Thank you for the prompt and concise answers!
