Galaxy Zoo Talk

Would't it be cool...

  • sensei_jiva by sensei_jiva

    if the purple dot was a planet passing in front of it?


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Yes, it would be great if it was a planet, but we'll leave that search for the Planet Hunters.

    artist's impression of planet transit

    Zooniverse website: Planet Hunters There are many dedicated planet hunters analysing the Kepler data, looking for planets.dip in star brightness indicate planet

    Exoplanet information

    4.10 exoplanets

    Exoplanets can only be seen around several of the nearer stars, this one is too far away

    Our image is of overexposed stars, these images are optimized for galaxies, not stars. Purple spots are overloaded ccds complaining,
