Galaxy Zoo Talk

Direction of Spirals

  • insaneAyesh by insaneAyesh

    Just curious.

    1. Wondering how many spirals appear clockwise and how many counter (as observed by us on Earth or Not on earth?)
    2. Do the spirals indicate anything significant about the region around them(their direction of spiral).
      I guess i need some education on spiral formation of galaxies.
      Thank you all.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    .1. Wondering how many spirals appear clockwise and how many counter (as observed by us on Earth or Not on earth?

    That was one of the research goals for GZ1, and no apparent difference between the amount of clockwise vs anti-clockwise spirals (when certain psychological differences were taken into account), could be detected. You can find more information in the earlier papers of Galaxy Zoo.

    .2. Do the spirals indicate anything significant about the region around them(their direction of spiral). I guess i need some education on spiral formation of galaxies.

    Spiral arms can be distended or distorted if another galaxy interacts with it. Young spiral galaxies ( or 'proto spirals') can be very clumpy, with a very irregular pattern. Each galaxy is different but there are some rules that they do tend to conform too.

    Hope this helps!

    ~ Capella05


  • sat666leg by sat666leg

    this is something i've thought about myself...
    the rotation of spin will almost certainly depend on the rotational direction of the bulge/ SMBH. at the centre.. its all to do with gravity/mass. and velocity.. BUT.. i'm no brain surgeon..nor a scientist...


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to sat666/leg's comment.

    Neither am I 😃

    But, don't forget bars! A lot of the resonance within a galaxy is generated by the movement of stars. Most noticeable amongst these are bars, rings and x-shaped bulges. Apologies to the Scientiests if I am over simplifying things 😃
