Galaxy Zoo Talk

Is that what gravitational lending looks like?

  • migueltafolla by migueltafolla

    I am just curious about the red thing.


  • vrooje by vrooje admin, scientist

    The shape and thinness resemble an arc, but this one's an artifact, alas.

    There's a good discussion about a similar object on this thread, which might be the best place to read more about making the determination between arc and artifact.

    Thanks for classifying!


    #arcifact #decals_red_artifact


  • SIRTFkid by SIRTFkid

    could this be an old super nova remnant? its possible it isn't even close to the galaxy, but an object in the foreground.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Sadly not - it is just an optical artifact 😃
