Galaxy Zoo Talk

AGZ000b1ui Shape_Bulge

  • kabecio by kabecio

    Doesn't it seem like we are looking at this from an angle in between edge on and straight on? Also, the brighter bulge doesn't seem to be perfectly centered top to bottom. Its too hard to see if there are spiral arms - but this un-centered-ness makes me want to envision arms as being the reason that it seems off center...being that arms are often thinning at their edges - so from so far away this could appear as off centeredness. What do you think - anybody? Of course all these things could be a factor of a merging from behind where we cannot see the merger. I do detect some sort of really hazy bright trail...I the very bottom as though its trailing from behind the galaxy.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi kabecio and welcome to the Zoo

    The galaxy in the center could very well be a spiral, but in this fuzzy image that is very hard to tell. Just classify what you see, not what you there should be.

    Happy hunting ! 😄
