Galaxy Zoo Talk


  • Ariaiyc_goingawayn0w by Ariaiyc_goingawayn0w

    Is there an object immediately above the center?
    Also is there a ring or is that a lensing effect?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Araiyc and welcome to the Zoo

    The object just above the centre is probably a foreground star from our galaxy.

    It is cleare to see in the Skyserver image :

    enter image description here

    And what you see as a 'ring' is two spiral arms folding back to make a ring.So definitely no gravitational lensing here.

    happy hunting ! 😄


  • Ariaiyc_goingawayn0w by Ariaiyc_goingawayn0w in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    Thanks, I only just started helping here a few weeks ago. I'm learning as I go. 😃
