Galaxy Zoo Talk

gravity quanta

  • benabb by benabb

    These bright points must be connected in some way that explains their separation but also their connection.Meaning that from the start of n1 ,the law of thermodynamics applies to quanta as having to be previously separated to be later Connected by n2 to n3 , or that connection in the past means that the quanta separate.In this image,the quanta are together so there must be some quanta bonding by some force so that the curvature, then, may be equal and opposite n4 ,n5. Knowing this makes the result of opposed quanta in the now faze of the universe ,displace in other directions such as up or down. As such ,the force acting on these points must be gravity=n6/n7 and anti gravity.

    by Henryk Szubinski
    date 24,December 2015
    time 11:01


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

