Galaxy Zoo Talk

green elliptical

  • CeciliaB by CeciliaB

    Here is another elliptical which is a starburst galaxy according to SDSS. But the colour is green not blue.

    Is this type of galaxy worth tagging and in such a case, should one label it as green_elliptical?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi CeciliaB

    Here's the image from Skyserver :

    enter image description here

    And I'm not sure it is an elliptical . It looks more like a fuzzy spiral with a dominant bulge to me.

    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • CeciliaB by CeciliaB

    Thank you, Elisabeth. It's difficult to classify an object which doesn't have a very high resolution!


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Yes it is ! Just give it your best shot ! 😄

    Thanks for participating and happy hunting ! 😄
