Galaxy Zoo Talk

Merging Galaxy?

  • mattdanley33 by mattdanley33

    It appears, although distant and a little fuzzy, two or more galaxies are about to merge into one. The haze of a stellar dust cloud also indicates a gathering gravitational compression. Perhaps the eventuality may result in one Large singular galaxy or an enormous condensation of the birth of a Star. The other possibility, also slight, is the creation of a Black Hole. In short, all things considered, what is apparent is this cosmic mass is in a great gravitational flux. The center of the mass appears white, while the surrounding globular objects look hot blue.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Wow, a lot of ideas here. To me the galaxy has finished mergrng, and is sorting itself out as a barred spiral. I don't think there is much dust because dust makes a galaxy red. Definite starbirth in the blue areas. Most galaxies already have a black hole.

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