Galaxy Zoo Talk

Mis identified position

  • tcs3475 by tcs3475

    This object does not appear the same as it's SDSS image. In particular it is missing the giant star next to it.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi tcs3475 and welcome to the Zoo,

    This is an extreme artificially redshifted image. See this blog post for more info :

    Happy hunting! 😄


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Missing red star: red gets redshifted to infrared, which is not "seen" by this simulated telescope. Blue galaxy gets redshifted to red, and that is what you see.

    See this to see how all visible light gets redshifted with distance, until nothing is left.

    PAGE 2 Galaxy Redshift Chart
