Galaxy Zoo Talk

Galaxy distances

  • jlindahl2 by jlindahl2

    What are the distances between the galaxies? One could be in fact trillions of light years away from the other.


  • zoob1172 by zoob1172

    red shifts are not available


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Oooops, not trillions of light-years. The Universe isn't that big. see this link

    PAGE 2 Galaxy Redshift Chart

    Usually tens of millions or hundreds of millions.

    You can guess distance by the colour. of the galaxy. You can also click on Photoz, which is a computer's estimate of distance based on colour. Sometimes that is guess is better than a humans, sometimes it is way off, but it always has big error margins.

    Forum: Friday 8th January, 2010. Two galaxies, the same size? by Budgieye measure the size and distance of two galaxies
