Galaxy Zoo Talk

How to classify this one?

  • pfsc99 by pfsc99

    Looks light a disturbed tight 2 spiral to me, but not sure ....


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I'd throw in barred as well.


  • bernard_gagneur by bernard_gagneur

    Looks like a 3 dimensions galaxy vieuw, like a corkscrew seen by the tip.
    May be they are 2 galaxies merging and one is sligthly located before the most blue or the second, the bluer, is before thaht with a bright bulge, like a corkscrew seen from the handel to the tip .
    Also it could be a galaxy, the one with a bright bulge merging an irregular blue galaxy, and an arm of the bluer is yet around the bright galaxy.
    What about?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Or as mentioned above : a disturbed two armed, barred spiral 😄


  • Rick_N. by Rick_N.

    Disturbed bar! The lower arm seems to have been shortened towards the centre, perhaps by a merger. Maybe it is a galaxy that is just forming into a barred two arm spiral.
