Galaxy Zoo Talk

Another Merger with Tidal Tail?

  • PDXDave by PDXDave

    Appearing tohave similar color and size, so I'm guessing #merger with #tidaltale


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I'm thinking merger too.
    But don't rely on the similar color to think it's a merger. Distortions are a much surer sign !


  • PDXDave by PDXDave

    That's a good pointer.

    I also wonder to what degree there may be illusions present - like the phantom "canals on mars" that appeared to connected two objects


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Oh, there will be lots of bad pics with lots of optical artefacts.
    For merger, just look if there are obvious distortions.
    And don't worry, lots of people will see the same image, so if ther are a lot of different classifications, it will surely be flagged as special and the scientists will take a closer look !
    Happy hunting !
