Galaxy Zoo Talk

How to classify AGZ00050M8 ?

  • marcvanriet by marcvanriet

    Just started 'helping' in Galaxy zoo. I'm quite a layman in astronomy, so I could use some pointers for classifying an odd galaxy.

    AGZ00050M8 has an oval 'blue' centre, with hints of spirals. Is this something special, and how do I classify this ?

    Best regards,


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Marc,
    this is Mrk 1043. As for classification, just answer the questions a best as you can.
    I'm seeing a bar, maybe some spiral features, and definitely something odd (other?)
    Just give it your best shot and remember lots of other people will see this picture, so anything unusual will get picked up. Happy hunting ! 😄
