Galaxy Zoo Talk

central ring

  • turelli by turelli

    SkyServer image shows central ring. NGC?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Nice find, it's NGC3735
    Don't really know about the central ring though !


  • alan1001 by alan1001

    What resource do you use to find the NGC classifications?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Click on the under the pic, then on GalaxyZoo examine. Then, if it is a SDSS pic, you can click on view in Skyserver. There, on the left of the page, you have SIMBAD and NED. Most of the times, there will be additional info available. Also if you click on the little image and then on "get image", you can zoom in/out. Unfortunately, this is only available for the SDSS pics, not the Hubble ones
    Happy Hunting ! 😄


  • alan1001 by alan1001

    Thank you! Just checked NED on this object... Think I might need to read an astrophysics book 😃 or 2...


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    SIMBAD is easier but has a lot less objects in its data base. Oh, and always check the coordinates (ra, dec) because both of the datebases give info of the objects closest to what you're looking for. Sometimes, the closest object can be quite far away. And have nothing to do with the object in your viewer.
    Happy Hunting !


  • alan1001 by alan1001

    Thanks again! It's great to be able to access a bit more depth with these images - sometimes quite tantalising if it has unusual features. The more I learn the less I realise I know... 😄


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Oh yess, ! 😄


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Hey alan1001: do you know about the Galaxy Zoo forum?
    There are some pretty good sections, and the "Newbies, Post your Interesting objects/queries here." thread is a great place to ask questions, and get good answers from the grizzled zooites (some of whom - like ElisabethB - have been at this, close to full-time, for several years now 😮 )
