Galaxy Zoo Talk

Interesting Collision

  • StereoSpace by StereoSpace

    Looks like a barred spiral on the left, still almost complete and barely distorted. Anyone's guess what that once was there on the right. Which makes me speculate. Are there THREE galaxies here? Two colliding and a large barred spiral just behind them in the background?


  • trevor_allen_faller by trevor_allen_faller


  • trevor_allen_faller by trevor_allen_faller

    its a galactic triple


  • StereoSpace by StereoSpace

    Definitely one of the cooler images I've seen here. And that's a bee-u-tiful barred spiral too.


  • groveda by groveda

    Looks to me like three galaxies, I would say the middle one is disrupted or edge on and has a dust lane, hard to say where that patch of blue star formation is, it kind of make me think teh collision is between the left and the middle and the barred spiral is behind.
