Galaxy Zoo Talk

Barred and non-barred spirals - evolution?

  • Archi by Archi

    Sometimes it's hard to tell whether a spiral has a bar, as the bar appears rounded (not this galaxy, which is barred, but it started me thinking). Is there any suggestion that there's an evolution between the two? i.e., that a non-barred spiral evolves into a barred, or vice versa?


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    Hi Archi - great question, and a biggie. One that researchers in this area are still trying to disentangle. There has been for some time a debate over if bars come and go, or if once a galaxy is barred it will always be barred.


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    I think you're going to have to stay tuned on this one!
