Galaxy Zoo Talk

A galactical star in front of the galaxy?

  • delete_bb8f4e0e by delete_bb8f4e0e

    Hello, zoofriends.
    What is about the yellow spot in front of the galaxy AGZ00061oe?
    Is it a foreground star or an object connected with the galxy?
    Best regards, Mark-Munir


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The yellow spot is indeed a foreground star from our galaxy.
    So, it isn't in any way connected to the galaxy


  • suelaine by suelaine

    Then, is the yellow circle in the centre of the galaxy a star that is shining through or a bulge?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The yellow circle in the center is indeed the bulge.
