Galaxy Zoo Talk

How can we tell which object to identify?

  • KhalilaRedBird by KhalilaRedBird

    I usually try to categorize the object closest to the center of the picture. After I've finished and committed myself, THEN I can go to look it up on SkyServer. In this case, the target object is a very faint, small red galaxy just below the white star. So what I identified is irrelevant -- I couldn't even see the red galaxy when the object was presented. Is there some way to include a thumbnail alongside the big picture so we can see the object alone and in context?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    In this case, it doesn't make that much difference. Almost everyone will think the star is in the center of the image.
    And even if you classify the little galaxy : the only thing you can say about it, is that it looks round and smooth. But actually it is just too small to give a meaningful classification.
    So, no harm done here !
    But thanks for the thorough follow-up !
    Happy Hunting !
