Galaxy Zoo Talk

HUBBLE mostly artifact?

  • Tepjes by Tepjes

    is it normal for most of the hubble pictures, that you can only see clumpy pixels? I always classify these as artifact... is this the correct way to classify these?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    This is not an artifact, but it is a faint galaxy !


  • Tepjes by Tepjes

    so how to classify? "smooth", "completely round", "neither" is the correct way to follow for this object?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Just answer the questions as well as you can.
    These faint ones are very difficult!
    Just give it your best shot!


  • Tepjes by Tepjes

    ok. thank you for your help Elisabeth! The hubble-pictures are always the most difficult indeed. and maybe one more question if I may, how would you describe "tidal debris", because I find it's difficult to translate to dutch... 😃


  • Shaedlaer by Shaedlaer

    tidal debris is a part of galaxy torn away from its galaxy by gravity of other galaxy forming a path of 'debris' - visible as a tail or other structure extending from the galaxy
