Galaxy Zoo Talk

How to see this?

  • lord_fornax by lord_fornax

    Hi, i'm new to the project, first object to classify is this one.

    Could use some help.
    I see a dark edge on disc, with a blue jet streaming out of it.
    Have absolutely no idea how to classify it.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The blue glow is an optical artifact caused by a bright star just outside of this image.
    Here's the full and rotated pic.


  • lord_fornax by lord_fornax

    Thanks! How can i see the full picture?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Okay, here we go ! 😄
    Click on the ref number
    then click on 'GZ examine'
    then click on View Skyserver (mind you this only works for the SDSS pics, not the Hubble ones)
    Then click on the little image
    and click on 'get image'(left side)
    And here you can zoom in and out
    Have fun !


  • lord_fornax by lord_fornax

    Awesome!! Thanks again! 😃


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hope I didn't skip a step ! 😉
    Happy hunting !
    This way you can just cruise the Universe !
