Galaxy Zoo Talk

Help for new user

  • Caliz by Caliz

    I am new to the topic and I have no idea where to place this picture. It does not look like a galaxy at all more like the faceted eyes of a fly. I guess it has to do with the resolution.

    I do not want just to "dispose" of it as an artefact but would like to learn what I am seeing here.
    Thank you.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi caliz and welcome to the Zoo

    The green shapes are indeed an artifact, but under the bottom lobe hides a faint and fuzzy galaxy (the blue fuzz). As for classification : Star/artifact will do, because lots of people will not see the galaxy.

    happy hunting ! 😄


  • Caliz by Caliz

    Hi Elisabeth
    thank you very much for your explanation.
    Amazing, you saw the blue thing below!
    Is there collection of professionally classified fuzzy blobs so I can get a feeling for the pictures?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Sorry, no collection of classified blobs ! 😄 But just answer the questions for the classifications as well as you can and ask questions in here ! You'll get a feel for it ! 😄


  • Caliz by Caliz

    I am positive I will
    one day

    • before that try I to not mess up the satistics too much.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Don't worry, just enjoy yourself. Remember, lots of people will see this same image, so any 'mistakes' will disappear ! And sometimes there is no right or wrong answer anyway !


  • Caliz by Caliz

    here it is, the only reason to live on an over populated planet 😃
    Good night from Germany


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Gute Nacht ! 😄


  • klmasters by klmasters scientist, admin

    That's a seriously strange artefact from the new set of images we have in Galaxy Zoo! I actually have no idea what's going on, but it's clear it's an image artefact that's for sure!
