Galaxy Zoo Talk

Green Pea?

  • Alpha_Aurigae by Alpha_Aurigae

    At first I thought the greenish object might be a green pea. However when I consulted the image on Skyserver there are more less greenish objects. So I am starting to doubt this is a green pea. Filter issue?
    enter image description here


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    For examples of peas, see Galaxy Colour Chart in the Oxygen column.


  • Alpha_Aurigae by Alpha_Aurigae

    Hi Budgieye,
    I guess I can delete the object from my Green Pea collection then.The ones in the chart look much brighter.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    Yes, I think star rather than pea. Yellow stars look green in these images because of the way colours are assigned channels. see Zooite Guide to SDSS Spectra
