Galaxy Zoo Talk

Strange or common?

  • JohnnyAtomicus_ by JohnnyAtomicus_

    I am new to this galaxy zoo. Has anyone seen anything like this? I have absolutely no idea which criteria it falls into.


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to JohnnyAtomicus 's comment.

    Hi and welcome to the Zoo @JohnnyAtomicus 😃

    This is an artifact caused by filter errors with the telescope when this particular field was imaged. We are slowly removing them, but if you come across another one do classify it as a star / artifact.

    Hope this helps and happy hunting 😃



  • JohnnyAtomicus_ by JohnnyAtomicus_

    Thank you. What do you classify this as?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    "Star or Artifact" - it is one of the first options you can select (Along with "Smooth" or "Disk Features")
