Galaxy Zoo Talk

Why is there a second ring around the galaxy on a different angle?

  • bretspath by bretspath

    the galaxy is in a disc but the has a ssecond ring around the galaxy can anyone explain this to me?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The "second ring" is the two spiral arms going all the way round to make a ring.


  • bretspath by bretspath in response to ElisabethB's comment.

    oh ok thanks


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    There's something odd about this one when looking at Skyserver (don't worry, I classified the image shown, not skyserver).

    enter image description here

    Is that blue line related to the galaxy? Photoz of that line sugests that they are close together, but the color is completely different.


  • c_cld by c_cld

    AGZ0007v9d 1237668292834754804

    Blue arm of starforming clumps probably due to interaction of nearby NW galaxy 1237668292834754791 at same redshift.


  • dj_tjitso by dj_tjitso

    Ah I see, thanks for explaining
