Galaxy Zoo Talk

Request help with classification

  • lothridgetm by lothridgetm

    Hey guys, I am still new to this, but am trying my best. I have this star here which looks like it could be a star shedding its layers, or it could be a galaxy with multiple rings (or even multiple arms which loop back.) What gets me is that it looks like 2 circular rings which overlap over the star/center of the galaxy. Just hoping for some help here.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    All the current images are centered on the nucleus of spiral galaxies. The center bright object is the nucleus, there is a bar extending up and down, all the nucleus area is inside a halo and there are two tight spiral arms, which are forming pseudorings.

    Forum The Kinematics and Dynamics of Galactic Rings The Physics of Resonance

    enter image description here

    KUG 1026+393


  • lothridgetm by lothridgetm

    Thank you for the help.
