Galaxy Zoo Talk

What am i seeing?

  • Ciubeca by Ciubeca

    i'm new in this website. can someone help me with this image?


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator

    Hi and welcome @Ciubeca 😃

    We have a lot of artifacts in this image so I will tackle them one at a time:

    • The green streak going through the image is a 'trail' caused by either a satellite or an air plane that happened to 'fly' through the field of view when this section of sky was imaged by the telescope;
    • The green background could be due to several factors - some possibilities - filter problems on the scope or the sky was fairly light when the image was taken (eg: astronomical twilight / light pollution);
    • The red and green circular objects are foreground stars - along with the above problems, the filters were slightly misaligned so we landed up the stars having weird colours and the objects being slightly extended.

    Here is the zoomed out version from SkyServer - the orientation might slightly vary, but it is the same patch of sky 😃

    enter image description here

    Hope this helps 😃


  • Ciubeca by Ciubeca

    Thanks a lot for help!! 😄
