Galaxy Zoo Talk

Was ist das?

  • Zauberdrache45 by Zauberdrache45

    Kann mir jemand sagen was dieser extrem helle Fleck neben der Scheibengalaxie sein kann? Ist der grüne Kern nur ein Pixelfehler oder was meint ihr?
    LG Udo


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi Zauberdrache45 and welcome to the Zoo

    That bright object is a foreground star from our galaxy. The colours and weird centre are all optical artifacts.

    Happy hunting !


  • Zauberdrache45 by Zauberdrache45

    Hi ElisabethB
    danke für die schnelle Info


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Glad to be of help 😄

    Just a question : Did Galaxy Zoo get a mention in the German press ? We have had a lot of German speaking classifiers these last few days ! 😄
