Galaxy Zoo Talk

Binary stars

  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    The two foreground stars seem to be very close. Their the closet I've seen since I started on the zoo. I was wondering if they are binary? Just curious.Thanks


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Just by looking at this image it is not possible to say if these two stars are really close or if it is just a line of sight. Sorry !

    happy hunting !


  • bluemagi by bluemagi



  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    Hmm can't find any info an the stars, looks interesting though.

    Only thing if i'm correct magnitudes in DECaLS is higher for the top one. So i guess if it where two exactly equal stars (type / size / absolute magnitude. / age etc.) the top one would be closer?


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    Thanks. Just looked interesting. Have you come across any others like this ?


  • Ghost_Sheep_SWR by Ghost_Sheep_SWR

    It does, not that i know of, at least not so so close so similar in size / color etc.

    Lol the odds


  • bluemagi by bluemagi

    Astronomers discovered unnamed pair of stars that set a new record. Longest lasting stellar eclipse 3 1/2 year eclipse in binary system and longest period between eclipses 69 years in binary system. TYC-2505-672-1. Vanderbilt university.
