Galaxy Zoo Talk

possible lensing? weird merger? or just overlapping

  • elsie22 by elsie22

    big help needed. what did others make of this?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi elsie22 and welcome to the Zoo !

    This is a disturbed spiral galaxy with a dominant bulge for me. No lensing here whatsoever !

    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • elsie22 by elsie22

    so what about the darker smaller blob directly to the right. do you ignore this. and what about the further blob to the furthest right?
    thank you btw. :x)


  • elsie22 by elsie22

    I'm very new to all this


  • elsie22 by elsie22

    what would have disturbed it then? out of interest.....


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    The small blob to the right is probably a foregound star from our galaxy. And the two other objects to the right look like they are two galaxies interacting. And, so sorry , but no idea what has caused the disruption to the central galaxy. Sometimes the answer to a question is : I don't know !;D

    Happy hunting ! 😄
