Galaxy Zoo Talk

Merger or overlap?

  • guldan_ by guldan_

    Hello. I checked the comments for this image. A couple of people tagged it as #merger, but the rest were pretty sure it's overlap.

    What do you think? To mee it seems like the final stage of a merge... Experts, if this, in your opinion, is not the final stage of the merging process, could you explain why?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Hi guldan_

    I can understand why people would say overlap for this. The galaxies are very fuzzy, also in the Skyserver image :

    enter image description here

    But that said, I'm more inclined to call this a merger. To me, both galaxies look disturbed, so that is a sign of merger for me.

    Just give it your best shot and the fact that the clasifications can vary is a sign for the scientists that this one is special ! 😄

    Happy hunting !


  • guldan_ by guldan_ in response to ElisabethB's comment.

