Galaxy Zoo Talk

  • Goodwinb by Goodwinb

    Many descriptions include 'star forming'. What gives rise to this descriptor?


  • Astro_Denny by Astro_Denny

    Hi Goodwinb, in this case I tagged it as starforming because it seemd to me that in the spiral arms there are some "bluer" clumps wich can indicate starforming regions. Also, the spectral analysis shows that it´s a starforming galaxy. I admit that it isn't the best example. Maybe more typical starforming galaxy is this:

    enter image description here

    I hope it helps! Cheers!


  • Goodwinb by Goodwinb in response to Astro_Denny's comment.

    Thank you for your informative reply! It's certainly more obvious in your second example and maybe I can make out some faint blue patches in the first.


  • Astro_Denny by Astro_Denny

    I think it gets easier as you classify more and more galaxies 😛 !
