Galaxy Zoo Talk


  • linearitysf1 by linearitysf1

    I have a number of these type. What is the correct classification? The more I get, the more unsure I become.


  • appleseed by appleseed

    Hi --- this might help you - the first thing I do when looking at these fainter "blobs" is try to find a nucleus or a bar form/shape. Bars are very common - and in this case if you stand back from the screen a bit you will see a large bar trending from 10:00 o'clock to 4:00. Then if you confirm you have a bar check for curving arms coming off of the bar ends - in this case - at the bottom of the bar trending to the left and then curving upwards is one arm (its faint and patchy but its there). Then at the upper end of the bar, trending right, is a shorter stubby arm... you have now identified a barred spiral with a dominant bar with medium curvature to the arms. (your example was a bit tougher because the arms have different forms/length) >>>Note: a lot of these faint patchy galaxies look irregular but many have the spiral pattern --- it just takes practice picking out the form/symmetry. >>>Also note: that if there is no bar or nucleus it might be irregular. Usually, with practice, the form will "pop" out at you - find the bar or nucleus first - then look for arms.


  • Budgieye by Budgieye moderator

    There is no correct answer. If many people answer different ways, it means that the galaxy is difficult to classify.
