Galaxy Zoo Talk

I'm a newbie. Help!

  • adam.cannon by adam.cannon

    The light in the central object is very blue and the object looks like it is disturbed, there is a diagonal line going from SW to NE. To me it almost looks like an egg after first cell division. Could this be a dust lane, explosion or what? Any thoughts please, just to reassure me I'm on the right lines... Thanks


  • Capella05 by Capella05 moderator in response to adam.cannon's comment.

    Hello and welcome @adam.cannon 😃

    Always remember to only classify the object at the center, in this case it is the orange object just above the blue star.

    Here it is on SkyServer (although the Skyserver image is slightly rotated / flipped):

    enter image description here

    I would personally classify it as star / artifact as most of the objects in this image are foreground stars. 😃

    Also, there is no such thing as an incorrect classification, so just go with your gut feeling.

